
Turoma, S., Aitamurto, K., Vladiv-Glover, S. (2019), Religion, Expression, and Patriotism in Russia. Essays on  Post-Soviet Society and the State. Ibidem.

Urinboyev, R. (in press), Central Asian Migrants in Russia: Legal Adaptation in Hybrid Political Regimes, Oakland: University of California Press.

Urinboyev, R., 2019. Everyday Corruption and Social Norms in Post-Soviet Uzbekistan. The Program on Governance and Local Development at the University of Gothenburg, pp. 1-31 (GLD Working Papers).

Urinboyev, R.,2019. Why Control Immigration? Strategic Uses of Migration Management in Russia. By Caress Schenk. Toronto:University of Toronto Press, 2018. Xvi, 374 pp. [Book review], in Slavic Review. 2, 78, 529-533

Urinboyev, R., (in press). Создание «узбекской махалля» посредством смартфонов и социальных медиа: повседневная транснациональная жизнь узбекских мигрантов в России. In Новое Литературное Обозрение.

Heusala, A-L, 2018. “The Soviet Legacy of ‘national security’ in Russian Migration Policy”. Russian Politics (3), 430-450.

Urinboyev, R., 2018 (in press). “Создание «узбекской махалля» посредством смартфонов и социальных медиа: повседневная транснациональная жизнь узбекских мигрантов в России”. Новое Литературное Обозрение.

Heusala, A-L., 2018. “Yhteiskuntatieteellinen Venäjä-tutkimus ja globalisaatio”.  Idäntutkimus. The Finnish Review of East European Studies (3-4), 102-106. [Social Scientific Russian Studies and Globalization, in Idäntutkimus. The Finnish Review of East European Studies (3-4),102-106.]

Heusala, A-L., 2018. “Российские реформы – балансирование между национальной безопасностью и глобализацией?” In Социальные основания права и политики: история, теория, практика. IV Мальцевские чтения : материалы Международной научно-практической конференции, РАНХиГС при Президенте РФ. Lapteva, L. E. & Lukjanova, E. G. (Eds.). Moscow: РГ-Пресс, 30-36.

Heusala, A-L. & Aitamurto, K., 2018. “Siirtolaisuus muovaa oikeuskulttuuria Venäjällä”. Idäntutkimus. The Finnish Review of East European Studies 1: 84-85. [Migration Shapes the Legal Culture in Russia, in Idäntutkimus. The Finnish Review of East European Studies (1), 84-85.]

Urinboyev, R., 2018. Mahalla (Uzbekistan). In Ledeneva, A. (Ed.), The Global Encyclopaedia of Informality, UCL Press, 69-72.

Urinboyev, R. & Svensson, M., 2017. “Corruption, Social Norms and Everyday Life in Uzbekistan”. In Corruption and Norms. Why Informal Rules Matter. Kubbe, I. & Engelbert, A. (Eds.). London: Palgrave Macmillan, 187.

Urinboyev, R., 2017. “Arbeitsmigration und Schattenwirtschaft in Russland.” RGOW nr 7/8: 18-19.

Heusala, A-L. & Aitamurto, K. (eds.), 2017. Migrant Workers in Russia: Global Challenges of the Shadow Economy in Societal Transformation Routledge: Routledge Contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe Series.

Selected related publications:

Eraliev, Sherzod, 2018. “Growing Religiosity Among Central Asian Migrants in Russia. Why Does Migragion ‘Theologize’?”. Journal of International and Advanced Japanese Studies (10), 137-150.

Urinboyev, R. and Polese, A., 2016. “Informality Currencies: a Tale of Misha, His Brigada and Informal Practices among Uzbek Labour Migrants in Russia”. Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, 24 (3), 191–206.

Aitamurto, K., 2016. “Protected and Controlled: Islam and ‘Desecularisation from Above’ in Russia”. Europe-Asia Studies, 68 (1), 182-202.

Heusala, A-L., 2014. “Changes of Administrative Accountability in Russian Transitions”. Review of Central and East European Law, 38 (3-4), 267-293.