The board & positions

At the moment the board consists of ten members who coordinate the whole association. The board is chosen in every autumn at the annual meeting where every ordinary member of the association has a right to vote and present oneself as a candidate for a specific role of the board. The board is chosen for one calendar year at a time.

The board 2021



The president is the oil that keeps the board moving in unison.

They prepare the agenda to the meetings and inform all the members of it. They also lead the speech at the meetings and take care of the division of tasks evenly.

Always trying to develop ways of action and practices. They also represent MYY ry in majority of events and keep contact with the other student associations & unions.

Paula Hietanen




The right hand of the president.

Incase the president is absent the vice-president will act as president. They are also there to step in and offer help to others in the board if needed.


Niko Lehti




The treasurer is the person who is entrusted with maintaining the financial health of MYY ry. The main goal is to keep track on all transfers that are going out and coming in the account.

The treasurer reports monthly to the rest of the board about the financial presence of the association. They also plan the budget with the president for the upcoming year.

Sohvi Leminen




Maintains a record of board attendance at the meetings.   Transcribes and makes the minutes of the meetings.

Makes sure that every meeting has coffee and other refreshments.


Oskari Pohjolainen


Information officer

Maintains our mailing list, Facebook and Instagram. Creates monthly one post where members can see what events are coming on next month.

They also plan facebook-events and all kinds of social media posts together with event officers.

Handles incoming emails, post, and other material that is relevant for the board.

Mimosa Ingervo


Study officer

The study officer takes care of the students’ trusteeship which is related to teaching and studying the environmental science.

The role includes developing the teaching, writing statements, arranging of discussions and informing our students about the relevant study matters.

The informing includes maintaining the study matter –facebook group. They also transmit the information about the study matters to the board and keep contact with the hallopeds/ student representatives in administration.

Henriikka Rokkonen


Working life officer

The one who takes care of developing the students’ working life opportuneties.

They are up to date from the networking possibilities, -happenings and anything that could help our students in the job market.

The role also includes maintaining the Linked in –profile of our association and organizing some tours and visits to interesting companies in our industry/field.

Juulia Lehtinen


Member officer

The contact person of a membership, officials and clubs in the board.

They inform the board about the events of our clubs. The member officer takes care of the motivation of volunteers and passes on the testaments from the old board members and club executives to new ones.

Lea Fewer


Event Officer

Is responsible for the events, sitzs, parties and happenings with another event officer.  Is also head of the event-team.

Delegates responsibilities to the event-team and makes sure that there are enough organisers in the events.

Also in charge of the rental of premises and expenses of events.

Pauliina Merta


Event officer

Is responsible for the events, sitzs, parties and happenings with another event officer. Is also the head of the event-team.

Delegates responsibilities to the event-team and makes sure that there are enough organisers in the events.

Also in charge of the rental of premises and expenses of events.

Jutta Pihlamo





The curator is a PhD who works for University of Helsinki. A contact person between the university and MYY ry.

Offers emotional support when weltschmerz is impending.


Risto Willamo
Operation inspectors (Backup)

Inspect the accounts and create the annual Operation inspection report.


Sonja Nalisvaara (Saku Suhonen) & Olga Lumijärvi (Minna Huovinen)

Gather up the excursion-team and are responsible for planning and organizing the annual excursion.

Kasper Mickos & Minna Huovinen

Participates in organizing the excursion with the EXQ-officers.


Tuuli Ramos, Saku Suhonen, Mirko Riekkinen, Jenny Lindh, Tua Valtonen, Aino Tuominen, Jenna Hölttä, Mimosa Ingervo & Pauliina Merta
Event team

Participate in organizing events with the Event officers.

Sini Ruohomäki, Lilja Leivo, Anni Honkanen, Miisa Pikkarainen, Eveliina Piispanen & Pinja Nenonen

Activates the event team, which enables the organization of great and fun events. Offers decorating, cleaning, serving, entertainment and badge-, food- and drink selling services.

Ulriikka Kaarna

Makes sure that there are non-alcoholic drinks at the functions and events.

Miisa Pikkarainen & Pauliina Merta
Master Chef

Responsible for kitchen team, plans, gathers the ingredients and prepares the nourishments for events.


Volter Lukander
Kitchen team

Works under the directions given by the master chef.

Hannele Pudas, Saku Suhonen, Paula Hietanen & Tuuli Ramos
The Unicorndishwashinghammerheadshark
Song leaders Niko Lehti & Kasper Mickos
Chief Editor of Leväperäinen Jenny Lindh
 Art Director of Leväperäinen Mirko Riekkinen
Leväperäinen editorial board

Write, plan and make illustrations for Leväperäinen together with the chief editor and the art director

Henriikka Rokkonen, Sini Ruohomäki, Minna Huovinen & Kasper Mickos
Wine competition officer

Is responsible for organizing Maydays annual wine competition. Often the host of the event as well.


Sonja Nalisvaara & Niko Lehti
Equality officers

Make sure that every individual has a safe and comfortable experience in Myy Ry. Check the equality strategy with the event team, announce the existence of said strategy and make sure that it is implemented.

Maintain the equality feedback query and implement the safe-space operation of the clubroom in Biokeskus 3.

Krista Koppelomäki & Mirko Riekkinen
Chairman of Vimmat Antti Jokelainen
Adult entertainment officers Jenny Lindh
Veggiefood club head
Klusteri officers Niko Lehti
Clubroom officers

Keep contact with the clubroom officers of Symbioosi and SvNK. Participate in the cleaning operations of the clubroom and delegate other members of MYY ry as well.

Minna Huovinen & Jenny Lindh
Loimu contact person

Are a member of the student association of Loimu. Contact person between Loimu and MYY ry, communicate important events and happenings of Loimu.

Inspect the cooperation agreement of MYY ry and Loimu and if necessary, make corrections together with the board. Oversee that the agreement is realized. Recruit freshers and organize familiarization event together with Loimu.

Juulia Lehtinen
International officers

International officers notify about exchange possibilities and events. They keep in contact with the international officers of MMYL and Biosfääri.


Lea Fewer

Hallitus valitsee hakemusten perusteella Myyn edustajan Agronomiliiton opiskelijavaliokuntaan kaksivuotiselle kaudelle.

Tarkistaa MYYn ja Agronomiliiton yhteistyösopimuksen ja valvoo sen toteutumista. Huolehtii Agronomiliiton tapahtumien näkyvyydestä MYYn viestinnässä.

Lisa Leinonen
Alumni contact person

Keeps in contact with graduates and organizes events for alumni.

Paula Hietanen
Biosfääri contact person

Välittää kuulumisia MYYn ja Biosfäärin välillä sekä ylläpitää suhteita muihin Biosfäärin ainejärjestöihin. Värvää myyläisiä hakeutumaan Biosfäärin hallitukseen.

Niko Lehti
MMYL contact person

Välittää kuulumisia MYYn ja MMYL ry:n välillä sekä ylläpitää yhteistyötä muiden MMYL ry:n alaisten ainejärjestöjen kanssa. Tiedottaa MMYL ry:n toiminnasta myyläisille.

Niko Lehti
Yhteiskunnallinen vuorovaikutus tiimi

Kannustavat ja rohkaisevat myyläisiä yhteiskunnalliseen vaikuttamiseen. Tiedottavat yhteiskunnallisesta keskustelusta, joka koskettaa etenkin myyläisiä, kuten keskustelut koulutus- ja ympäristöasioista. Järjestää yhteislähtöjä mielenosoituksiin ja organisoi tarvittaessa kannanottojen laatimista medioihin.

Niko Lehti & Lea Fewer

Suunnittelevat ja toteuttavat jäsenistölle luontoretkiä mm. kansallispuistoihin.


Valvovat ympäristöstrategian toteutumista ja laativat ympäristötilinpäätöksen vuosikertomukseen. Toimivat ekskuilla ympäristövastaavina tai perehdyttävät ekskulle osallistuvan vastaavan. Yleisesti aktivoivat jäsenistön ympäristötietoisuutta. Tiedottavat erityisesti kaikille vastuuhenkilöille strategian olemassaolosta sekä sisällöstä ja pyrkivät tätä kautta varmistamaan, että ympäristöasiat otetaan huomioon kaikessa toiminnassa.

Niko Lehti & Paula Hietanen
Sports club

Liikuntavastaavat järjestävät jäsenistölle liikunnallista ja urheilullista toimintaa, tiedottavat urheilutapahtumista ja pitävät liikuntakerhoja aktiivisina.

Sini Ruohomäki, Miisa Pikkarainen, Anni Honkanen, Lilja Leivo, Kasper Mickos, Mimosa Ingervo & Jutta Pihlamo
Quidditch captain

Organizes quidditch practise for members.

Katarina Kaansalo
Art club

Huolehtii myyläisten taiteellisuudesta järjestämällä esim. piirrustushetkiä kertsillä.

Ulriikka Kaarna, Pinja Jääskeläinen & Vilhelmiina Järvinen
Erja- ja Kurjapiiri vastaavat

Huolehtivat elokuvailloista ja siitä, että myyläiset käyvät teattereissa, taidemuseoissa ja saavat aimo annoksen kulttuuria.