About Ville J Päivänsalo

Ville Päivänsalo Olen teologisen etiikan ja sosiaalietiikan dosentti. Toimin sopimusperustaisesti tuntiopettajana Helsingin yliopiston teologisessa tiedekunnassa ja niin ikään sopimusperusteisesti pappina rippikoulutyössä. I hold a ThD (2005) and a title of docent in teological and social ethics (2010), University Helsinki, having previously served there e.g. as Acting University Lecturer in Systematic Theology (the latest appointment till the end of 2017), Acting Professor of Social Ethics (11 months), and as Assistant Professor in Global Theology, Worldviews and Ideologies (2012-2016). Presently I teach there, at the Faculty of Theology, courses as agreed, and do youth work (also as agreed) as Evangelical Lutheran pastor. See more: https://culturesethics.wordpress.com.

Welcome to the conference

This conference was about ecumenical and interreligious challenges to systematic theology in the transforming Nordic societies and beyond.

Now available:

  • General Secretary Olav Fykse Tveit’s keynote lecture
  • The conference essentials in Englishpress release (12 Jan 2016)
  • Archbishop Dr. Antje Jackelén’s sermon in the Sunday Service related to the conference.

In international media:

In Finnish media:

Detailed Program is available at Program (updated 5 Jan) and the map of the key sites of the conference at Venue. See also the conference brochure here (updated 28 Dec 2015) and the press release (17 Dec 2015) in Finnish here.

Conference Course to Finnish students: see the course info!

Keynote speakers:

  • Olav Fykse Tveit, General Secretary of the World Council of Churches (Geneva) Service and Advocacy, Matters of Faith? [This lecture is open to all interested.]
  • Jaana Hallamaa, Professor of Social Ethics (Helsinki): The Reformation of What?
  • Mattias Martinsson, Professor of Systematic Theology and Studies in World Views (Uppsala), God in the Details: Towards a New “Secularism”
  • Risto Saarinen, Professor of Ecumenics (Helsinki): Reform through Recognition: Jonas Gardell and Jussi Valtonen

Other speakers:

Maria Agustsdottir (Reykjavik), Dr. Stephanie Dietrich (Oslo), Docent Thomas Ekstrand (Uppsala), Dr. Sigurjon Arni Eyjolfsson (Reykjavik), Dr. Anne Hege Grung (Oslo), Dr. Minna Hietamäki (Helsinki), Imam Anas Hajjar (Helsinki), Dr. Jonas Adelin Jørgensen (Copenhagen), Dr. Pauliina Kainulainen (Joensuu), Docent Jyri Komulainen (Helsinki), Anne Louise Nielsen (Aarhus), Dr. Mari Pöntinen (Joensuu/Helsinki), and Prof. Arne Rasmusson (Gothenburg).

The presentations will not be published on behalf of the conference organizers, but Global Christianity journal will publish a special issue consisting of selected papars based on conference presentations.

Open discussion with special guests

Archbishop of Uppsala and primate of the Church of Sweden Dr. Antje Jackelén will preach in the Sunday service and take part in the After Church Open Discussion together with the Bishop of Porvoo, Dr. Björn Vikström.

Planning committee and conference secretary:

Ville Paivansalo (Chair), Pamela Slotte, Arnfríður Guðmundsdóttir, Harald Hegstad, Heta Hurskainen, Elena Namli, and Johanne Stubbe Teglbjærg.

Conference secretary: Teemu Pikkumäki (teemu.pikkumaki “at” helsinki.fi).

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