Articles in Scientific Journals


Adrian, Stine (2010) Sperm stories: Policies and practices of sperm banking in Denmark and Sweden. European Journal of Women’s Studies, 17 (4), 393–411.

Árnason, Vilhjálmur (2010) Moral analysis of an economic collapse – an exercise in practical ethics. Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics, 4 (1), 101–123.

Birnbaum, Simon (2010) Introduction: Basic income, sustainability and post-productivism. Basic Income Studies, 4 (2), 1–7.

Birnbaum, Simon (2010) Radical liberalism, Rawls and the welfare state: justifying the politics of basic income. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 13 (4), 495–516.

Birnbaum, Simon (2010) Rättvis fördelning och den generella välfärdens gränser: Om differensprincipen, aktivering och rätten till en inkomst. Tidskrift för politisk filosofi, Nr. 1, 7–32.

Birnbaum, Simon (2010) Två föreställningar om jämlikhet: Om rättvisa, självrespekt och välfärdspolitik. Tidsskrift for Velferdsforskning, 13 (2), 70–82.

Blomberg Helena, Kallio, Johanna, and Kroll, Christian (2010) Sosiaalityöntekijöiden mielipiteet köyhyyden syistä Pohjoismaissa. (Attributions for poverty among Nordic social workers.) Yhteiskuntapolitiikka, 75 (6), 589–602.

Bonoli, Giuliano, and Emmenegger, Patrick (2010) Why not flexicurity? The role of state-society relationships and social trust in the development of labour market policies in Italy and Sweden. West European Politics, 33 (4), 830–850.

Emmenegger, Patrick (2010) Catholicism, job security regulations and female employment: A micro-level analysis of Esping-Andersen’s social Catholicism thesis. Social Policy & Administration, 44 (1), 20–39.

Emmenegger, Patrick (2010) Gendering insiders and outsiders: Labour market status and preferences for job security. Economics, Management, and Financial Markets, 5 (3), 88–128.

Emmenegger, Patrick (2010) Job security regulations in western democracies: A fuzzy-set analysis. European Journal of Political Research, 50 (3), 336–364.

Emmenegger, Patrick (2010) Low statism in coordinated market economies: The development of job security regulations in Switzerland. International Political Science Review, 31 (2), 187–205.

Emmenegger, Patrick (2010) The long road to flexicurity: The development of job security regulations in Denmark and Sweden. Scandinavian Political Studies, 33 (3), 271–294.

Esser, Ingrid, and Palme, Joakim (2010) Does public pensions matter for health and well-being among retired persons? Basic and income security pensions across 13 Western European countries. International Journal of Social Welfare, Supplement, 103–120.

Fellman, Susanna (2010) Enforcing and re-enforcing trust – Employers and upper-white-collar employees in Finnish manufacturing companies, 1920s–1980s. Business History, 52 (5), 779–811.

Kettunen, Pauli, and Petersen, Klaus (2010) Le national et le transnational dans l’essor et le déclin de l’État-providence nordique : Une perspective comparée. Revue d’Historie Nordique, Vol. 9, 27–56.

Kroll, Christian, and Blomberg, Helena (2010) Socialarbetares syn på fattiga, arbetslösa och ökade krav på klienterna i Sverige och Finland. Socionomens Forskningssupplement 4/2010, 90–99.

Kuhnle, Stein (2010) Commentary: What role for the third sector in European public policy-making? Journal of Civil Society, 6 (1), 71–74.

Kuhnle, Stein (2010) Turning point for the European social model? Current History, 109 (725), 99–104.

Marklund, Carl, and Stadius, Peter (2010) Acceptance and conformity: Merging nationalism with modernity in the Stockholm exhibition in 1930. Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, Thematic Section: Uses of the Past – Nordic Historical Cultures in a Comparative Perspective, Vol. 2, 609–634.

Martikainen, Tuomas, and Baumann, Martin (2010) South Asian religions and civic engagement in the Nordic countries and Switzerland. Finnish Journal of Ethnicity and Migration, 5 (2), 3–6.

Mørck, Yvonne, and Rosenbeck, Bente (2010) Rejser og forandring: intersektioner af klasse, køn og etnicitet. Kvinder, Køn og Forskning, 19 (1), 7–17.

Norström, Thor, and Palme, Joakim (2010) Public pension institutions and old-age mortality in comparative perspective. International Journal of Social Welfare, Supplement, 121–130.

Petersen, Jørn Henrik, and Petersen, Klaus (2010) Dansk Velfærdshistorie. Et projekt og dets teoretiske ramme. Historisk Tidsskrift, 110 (1), 210–224.

Snellman, Hanna (2010) Performing ethnography and ethnicity. An early documentation of Finnish immigrants in Nordiska museet. Ethnologia Europaea. Journal of European Ethnology, 40 (2), 47–59.

Steinmo, Sven, and Lewis, Orion (2010) Taking evolution seriously in political science. Theory in Biosciences, Vol. 129, 235–245.

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