Articles in Scientific Journals


Annfelt, Trine (2011) Om Oss som likestilt. Tidsskrift for kulturforskning, 10 (1), 35–50.

Árnason, Vilhjálmur (2011) Databanks Research: Public and private interests. Cambridge Quarterly of Health Care Ethics, 20 (4), 563–571.

Bergholm, Tapio (2011) Työmarkkinanäkökulma vuoden 1971 metallilakkoon. Työväentutkimus 2011, 15–23.

Bergholm, Tapio, Gonäs, Lena, and Juul, Ida (2011) Introduction gender and working life. Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, 1 (2), 1–4.

Birnbaum, Simon (2011) Should surfers be ostracised? Basic income, liberal neutrality and the work ethos. Politics Philosophy Economics, 10 (4), 396–419.

Emmenegger, Patrick (2011) Between a rock and a hard place: The uneasy position of medium-N research in comparative political science. Qualitative and Multi-Method Research, 9 (2), 14.

Emmenegger, Patrick (2011) How good are your counterfactuals? Assessing quantitative macro-comparative welfare state research with qualitative criteria. Journal of European Social Policy, 21 (4), 365–380. 

Emmenegger, Patrick (2011) Job security regulations in Western Democracies: A fuzzy-set analysis. European Journal of Political Research, 50 (3), 336–364.

Emmenegger, Patrick, and Marx, Paul (2011) Business and the development of job security regulations: The case of Germany. Socio-Economic Review, 9 (4), 729–756.

Emmenegger, Patrick, and Petersen, Klaus (2011) Political science seen through historians’ looking glass: The case of electoral system choice. Qualitative and Multi-Method Research, 9 (2), 33–37.

Hannikainen, Matti (2011) Palkansaajan työeläkemaksun synty. Työväentutkimus 2011, 24–30.

Hilson, Mary (2011) A Consumers’ International? The international cooperative movement and cooperative internationalism, 1918–1939: A Nordic perspective. International Review of Social History, 56 (2), 203–233.

Hvid, Helge, Bergholm, Tapio, Gonäs, Lena, Juul, Ida,  Kamp, Annette, Karlsson, Jan, Kasvio, Antti, Klemsdal, Lars, Salomon, Robert, and Skorstad, Egil (2011) Nordic working life research – Continuity and renewal. Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, 1 (1), 3–21.

Kallio, Johanna, Blomberg, Helena, and Kroll, Christian (2011) Suomalaisten sosiaalityöntekijöiden mielipiteet köyhiin kohdistuvista auttamisstrategioista. Janus, 19 (3), 251–268.

Kivimäki, Ville (2011) Entre la victoria y la derrota: La memoria de la II Guerra Mundial en Finlandia. Historia Social, 24 (3): 71, 41–58.

Kotilainen, Sofia (2011) The genealogy of personal names: towards a more productive method in historical onomastics. Scandinavian Journal of History, 36 (1), 44–64.

Kuhnle, Stein (2011) Beyond poor solutions? Global Social Policy, 11 (2–3), 222–224.

Kuhnle, Stein (2011) Towards a Nordic–East Asian welfare dialogue. Journal of Asian Public Policy, 4 (3), 254–262.

Lie, Merete, Ravn, Malin Noem, and Spilker, Kristin (2011) Reproductive imaginations: Stories of egg and sperm. NORA – Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 19 (4), 231–248.

Malinen, Antti (2011) Korsuista kodittomuuteen. Rintamasotilaat asunnonhakijoina sodanjälkeisessä Helsingissä. Historiallinen Aikakauskirja, 109 (1), 62–73.

Markkola, Pirjo (2011) Women’s spirituality, lived religion, and social reform in Finland, 1860–1920. Perichoresis, 9 (2), 143–182.

Martikainen, Tuomas (2011) Maahanmuuttajien uskonnollisen taustan tilastollinen arvioiminen Suomessa. Teologinen Aikakauskirja, 116 (3), 232–246.

Naumann, Ingela (2011) Towards the marketization of early childhood education and care? Recent developments in Sweden and the United Kingdom. Nordic Journal of Social Research, 2 (1), 37–53.

Petersen, Jørn Henrik (2011) En velfærdsstat i forfald? Det sunkne Atlantis?  Gymnasiepædagogik, 2011 (84), 129–138.

de la Porte, Caroline (2011) Principal-agent theory and the Open Method of Co-ordination: The case of the EES. Journal of European Public Policy, 18 (4), 485–503.

Saaritsa, Sakari (2011) The poverty of solidarity: The size and structure of informal income smoothing among worker households in Helsinki, 1928. Scandinavian Economic History Review, 59 (2), 102–127.

Sacchi, Stefano, Pancaldi, Federico, and Arisi, Claudia (2011) The economic crisis as a trigger of convergence? Short-time work in Italy, Germany and Austria Social Policy & Administration, 45 (4), 465–487.

Strang, Johan (2011) Den perifera eklekticismens gränser och potential: Den logiska empirismen i Norden 1930–1970. Historiska och Litteraturhistoriska Studier, 86, 137–158.

Stråth, Bo (2011) Still the Europe of Milward? On the need for a new long-term historical understanding of today’s Europe. Working Paper 1/2011, UCL European Institute.

Österberg, Mirja, and Jansson, Jenny (2011) Att resa i politikens namn: De svenska och finländska landsorganisationernas resor under mellankrigstiden. Arbetarhistoria – meddelande från Arbetarrörelsens arkiv och bibliotek, 1 (137), 44–49.

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