
NordWel and REASSESS Summer School 2012

Senior scholars:

Jonathan Bradshaw (University of York) is Professor of Social Policy at the University of York. He is the chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of NordForsk’s Nordic Centre of Excellence Programme on Welfare Research. His areas of expertise include social security policy, family policy, poverty and living standards, comparative social policy, demography and social policy and wellbeing of children. His publications include The well-being of children in the United Kingdom (ed., 3rd edition 2011).

Jochen Clasen (University of Edinburgh) is Professor of Comparative Social Policy in School of Social and Political Science. His research focuses on comparative social policy research, unemployment, labour market, social security, European social policy and welfare reform. Jochen Clasen is co-founder and honorary president of ESPAnet, the European Social Policy Analysis network. He is also the editor (with T. Meyer, Southampton University) of the Journal of European Social Policy. His recent publications include Converging Worlds of Welfare? British and German Social Policy in the 21st Century (ed., 2011) and Regulating the Risk of Unemployment. National Adaptations to Post-Industrial Labour Markets in Europe (2011, with Daniel Clegg).

Christoph Conrad (University of Geneva) is Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. His research interests include the comparative history of the welfare state, the development of public opinion and market research as well as the history of national historiographies in Europe. Professor Conrad is a member of the NordWel’s International Reference Group and editor of the series Writing the Nation by Palgrave Macmillan. Recent publications include Auf der Kippe. Integration und Ausschluss in Sozialhilfe und Sozialpolitik (2008, edited with Laura von Mandach), Die Nation schreiben: Geschichtswissenschaft im internationalen Vergleich (2002, edited with Sebastian Conrad) and  Staatsbürgerschaft in Europa (2001, edited with Jürgen Kocka).

Olli Kangas (The Social Insurance Institution of Finland KELA/University of Southern Denmark) is Research professor and Head of the research department at the Social Security Institution of Finland, KELA. His research interests include comparative welfare studies, institutional set-ups of welfare programs, political and structural factors behind the development of welfare states, consequences of social policy in terms of income distribution, poverty, legitimacy and collective action. He has written extensively on poverty and inequality, social policy, social citizenship, methodology, the history of the welfare state, principles of redistribution, a number of policy programmes, most notably pensions, work injury schemes as well as sickness insurance. Kangas is an expert on the Finnish society and welfare state, but has also conducted numerous comparative studies.

Arnlaug Leira (University of Oslo) is Professor emeritus in Sociology. Her academic interests include families and welfare states, gender, caring and social citizenship. She has published extensively on family change and public policy reform in Scandinavia, gender and work, and care, gender and citizenship in modern welfare states. Her recent publications include among others Gendering citizenship in Western Europe (2007 with Lister, R., Williams, F., Anttonen, A., Bussemaker, J., Gerhard, U., Heinen, J., Johansson, S., Siim, B., Tobío, C. & A. Gavanas.) and Politicising Parenthood. Gender relations in welfare states (2006, edited with A.L. Ellingsæter).

Christopher Lloyd (University of New England, Armidale) is Professor of Economic History in School of Business, Economics and Public Policy, University of New England, Armidale. He is also a member of NordWel’s International Reference Group. His research interests include the history of Australia’s political economy, philosophy and methodology of social science history, historical geopolitics and economic history, history of Social Democratic Welfare Capitalism, socio-economic evolution theory and comparative histories of settler economies. His recent publications include Settler Economies in World History (2011, edited with Metzer J. and Sutch, R.).

Kimberly Morgan (George Washington University, Washington DC) is Associate Professor of Political Science and International Affairs at the George Washington University. Kimberly Morgan’s research focuses on comparative public policy in advanced industrialized countries, with particular interests in family policies, immigration, health care, and taxation. Her most recent book is The Delegated Welfare State: Medicare, Markets, and the Governance of American Social Policy, with Andrea Louise Campbell and published by Oxford University Press 2011.

Bruno Palier (Sciences Po, Paris) is Research Professor at the Centre d’etudes européenes at Sciences Po in Paris. His research interests include welfare state reforms, from both French and comparative perspective, Social Policy, Public policy analysis, European Union, and Europeanisation. His recent publications include The age of dualization, the changing face of inequality in deindustrializing societies (2011, edited with Patrick Emmenegger, Silja Hausermann and Martin Seeleib-Kaiser); Towards a social investment welfare state? Ideas, policies and challenges (2011, edited with Nathalie Morel and Joakim Palme) and A long Good Bye to Bismarck? The Politics of Welfare reform in Continental Europe (2010).

Dorottya Szikra (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest) is Associate Professor of Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Social Sciences Társadalomtudományi Kar. Her areas of expertise include principles of social policy, the history of social work and social policy, and comparative family policies. Her recent publications include Tradition Matters: Child Care and Primary School Education in Modern Hungary (2011, in Child Care and Primary Education in Post-War Europe by Karen Hagemann, Konrad Jarausch & Cristina Allemann-Ghionda).

Noel Whiteside (University of Warwick) is Professor in Comparative Public Policy at the University of Warwick. She is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of NordForsk’s Nordic Centre of Excellence Programme on Welfare Research. She researches the development of social and public policy in historical and comparative perspectives. Professor Whiteside’s specific interests lie in labour markets, labour market policies and constructions of social dependency. Her recent publications include Britain’s Pensions Crisis: history and policy (2006, edited with Hugh Pemberton and Pat Thane); Pension Security in the 21st Century: redrawing the public-private divide (2003, edited with Gordon Clark); and Transforming European Employment Policy: labour market transitions and the promotion of capability (2012, edited with R. Rogowski and R. Salais).

Anneli Anttonen (University of Tampere) is Professor of Social Policy in the University of Tampere. She is a member of REASSESS Management Group. Her research interests include welfare state theory, comparative social care research, feminist social policy and welfare state research, care and social capital, and Finland and the Nordic model. Anttonen’s recent publications include Gendering Citizenship in Western Europe: New Challenges for Citizenship Research in a Cross-national Context (2007, with Ruth Lister, Fiona Williams, Anneli Anttonen, Jet Bussemaker, Ute Gerhard, Jacqueline Heinen, Stina Johansson, Arnlaug Leira, Birte Siim and Constanza Tobia, with Anna Gavanas) and The Young, the Old and the State. Social Care Systems in Five Industrial Nations (2003, edited with John Baldock & Jorma Sipilä).

Pauli Kettunen (University of Helsinki) is Professor of Political History at the University of Helsinki, Finland. His research interests are related to nationalism and globalization, welfare state and industrial relations, social movements, and the conceptual history of politics.  He is the director of NCoE NordWel. His recent publications include Beyond Welfare State Models. Transnational Historical Perspectives on Social Policy (2011, edited with Klaus Petersen); ”Le modèle nordique d’état-providence”,  Revue d’Histoire Nordique, Special Issue,  No. 9 (2010, edited with Klaus Petersen); and The Nordic Welfare State (2010, edited with Stein Kuhnle, Chen Yinzhang Chen and Klaus Petersen).

Pirjo Markkola (University of Jyväskylä) is Professor of Finnish history at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Her research interests are related to social history, gender history and the history of the Nordic welfare states. Professor Markkola is a member of NordWel Management Group and the chair of NordWel’s theme group ´Religion, Lutheranism and the Nordic Welfare State Model´. Her recent publications include Nordiska barndomar 1900–2000. Frihet och likhet för välfärdsstaternas barn? (2011, with Andresen, Astri, Ólöf Gardarsdóttir, Monika Janfelt, Cecilia Lindgren & Ingrid Söderlind) and Suffrage, Gender, and Citizenship. International Perspectives on Parliamentary Reforms (2009, edited with Irma Sulkunen and Seija-Leena Nevala-Nurmi).

Klaus Petersen (University of Southern Denmark, Odense) is Professor of History and Director at the Centre for Welfare State Research, University of Southern Denmark, Odense. He is also the vice-director of NCoE NordWel. Professor Petersen’s research focuses on welfare state development with special interest on pension policy, family policy, immigration policies and transnational perspectives. His latest publications include: In Experts We Trust. Knowledge, Experts and the Nordic Model of Welfare (2010, edited with Åsa Lundqvist); and Dansk Velfærdshistorie. Vol. 1-III (2010-2012, edited with Jørn Henrik Petersen and Niels Finn Christiansen).

Veli-Matti Ritakallio (University of Turku) is Professor of Social Policy at the University of Turku, Finland. He is a member of REASSESS Management Group. Professor Ritakallio’s research interests include comparative welfare research, poverty, income redistribution, income transfers, welfare state models, cross-national comparisons. Veli-Matti Ritakallio’s RECENT publications include Child Poverty in Large Families (2006, with Jonathan Bradshaw, Naomi Finch, Emese Mayhew and Christine Skinner).



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