Professor Irma Taavitsainen Retires

Three professors: Anna Mauranen, Irma Taavitsainen and Minna Palander-CollinThree professors: Anna Mauranen, Irma Taavitsainen and Minna Palander-Collin

“It is easy for me to say that you are the key person in creating the success of English Philology. You haven’t only been an inspiring teacher and supervisor for numerous MA students now working in different areas in Finnish society, you have also educated some of the best doctors in the field currently working and building their academic careers in different universities in Finland and abroad, spreading the Helsinki message of language variation and change, corpus linguistics and historical pragmatics.”

– Professor Minna Palander-Collin in her thank you speech for Professor Taavitsainen

Irma Taavitsainen gave her farewell lecture “Genres at work in the history of English: a historical pragmatics view” on Tuesday 11 December.

Irma Taavitsainen – Researhc Database Tuhat »