Equality, diversity and sustainability

OSA is committed to respecting HYY’s Equality Plan 2021-2023This year, our student advocator, Lena Reher is the Board member for equality issues. Any student at the University of Helsinki is welcome to become a member of OSA, and all members can run for a position in the Board

Here are OSA’s Principles for a Safer Space, for all those who participate in OSA events or engage with OSA’s online presence.

Here you can find HYY’s information about dealing with harassment situations, including help and support, contact persons, equality liaisons, and accessibility liaisons.

Here you can find the document “Equal Access at the University of Helsinki: First Steps for International Students who have a Disability or Learning Difficulty”, written by Orbis, the student organisation aimed at international and internationally-minded students in the Faculties of Arts and Theology at the University of Helsinki.

We are also committed to create sustainable events for everyone to enjoy! Naike Gorr, our event coordinator is the board member for sustainability.

Please contact us if you have any concerns about equality, diversity and sustainability.