Supporting social-emotional development in early childhood education

Progressive Feedback organization, network, and methods have been participating in the Business Finland project CREDU ( One part of the project was to study the effects of interventions SAGA and Pikkuli, designed to support children’s emotional and verbal development. Children in the SAGA intervention advanced significantly in prosocial behavior and social orientation and had fewer internalizing and externalizing problems after the intervention. Children in the Pikkuli intervention advanced in prosocial
behavior and had fewer internalizing problems after the intervention. There were no significant changes in any of the aforementioned outcomes in the control group. The results suggest that both interventions have good potential in supporting children’s social-emotional development in the ECEC environment. SAGA- www-pages in Finnish at Pikkuli www-pages at

Martikainen, S., Kalland, M., Linnavalli, T., Kostilainen, K., Aittokoski, M., Reunamo, J., Vasileiou, Z. & Tervaniemi, M., (In press). Supporting social-emotional development in early childhood education and care – a randomized parallel group trial evaluating the impact of two different interventions.
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.

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