(1997) Inflation and Growth in an Open Economy. Economica 64: 509-518

Abstract. This paper examines the relationship between growth and inflation in an open economy where private agents can transfer resources abroad. To obtain endogenous growth, we assume that the international credit market is imperfect. We show that when the governments behave rationally growth and inflation rates should not be correlated, and the the optimal inflation rate can be found by setting the interest elasticity of money holdings equal to the tax elasticity of the tax base.


(1996) Endogenous Growth and Collective Bargaining. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 20: 925-944.

Abstract. Balanced growth is examined where R&D employs only skilled labour, and where the union and the employer federation bargain over the wages for skilled and unskilled labour. The first finding is that because the increase in R&D increases aggregate labour income, the union does not accept any agreement causing unemployment for skilled labour. Secondly, union power speeds up growth: higher wages for unskilled labour increase R&D through decreased final output and the transfer of skilled labour from the production of final goods to R&D. Finally, we show on what conditions union power is welfare-enhancing.


(1994) Taxation, Cost-Benefit Analysis, and Monopoly in an Open Economy. European Journal of Political Economy 10: 529-543.

Abstract. This paper looks at optimal taxation in an open economy with a monopoly. It is shown how the formulae concerning taxation and public investment criteria should be modified to take into account monopoly profit, monopoly power in the world market and the fact that with a monopoly, the consumer and producer taxes for nontradables are the same.


(1992) Optimal Trade Policy in a Distorted Economy. European Journal of Political Economy 8: 201-212.

Abstract. The welfare implications of trade are examined in a general equilibrium framework where private oligopolies cause distortions. It is shown that a measure of trade policy should be carried out when it will increase production for the market yielding the highest rent. If the price elasticity of domestic demand is low, the opening of trade lowers the level of welfare although domestic products were optimally subsidized. Necessary and sufficient conditions for trade to increase welfare are found and the optimal commodity taxes are derived.


Discrete Exchange Rate Changes with Real Wage Resistance

(1992) Finnish Economic Papers 5: 38-46

Abstract. Fixed exchange rate policy is examined when money wages are determined by collective bargaining for fixed periods. The main results are as follows. If the interest elasticity of aggregate demand is high and the contract periods in the labour market are long, then in the short run, a devaluation produces expansion but in the long run, contraction. Expectations on a future devaluation cause expansion before the occurrence of the devaluation and at the moment of the occurrence, domestic expenditure falls discontinuously.
