HYVÄT General Meeting and Picnic 25.5.2022

Hyvät jäsenet,
Järjestämme kahden viikon kuluttua HYVÄT ry:n yleiskokouksen viime vuoden tilinpäätöksen hyväksymistä varten. Jos sää sen sallii, kokoonnumme ulkona Kaisaniemen puistossa ja voimme viettää kevättä yhdessä piknikin muodossa. Kokous järjestetään ke 25.5. klo 16 joko puistossa tai Kaisa-talossa (ryhmätyöskentelytila 4005) säästä riippuen. Lähetämme viestiä vielä kokouspäivänä. Esityslista on liitteenä ja kokoukseen on mahdollista osallistua etänä.


  1. Kokouksen avaus
  2. Kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus 
  3. Asialistan hyväksyminen kokouksen työjärjestykseksi 
  4. Kokouksen puheenjohtajan valinta 
  5. Kokouksen sihteerin valinta
  6. Kahden pöytäkirjantarkistajan ja ääntenlaskijan valinta 
  7. Tilinpäätös ja toiminnantarkastajien lausunto vuodelta 2021 
  8. Tilinpäätöksen hyväksyminen ja vastuuvapauden myöntäminen 
  9. Muut esille tulevat asiat 
  10. Kokouksen päättäminen 
Dear members of HYVÄT ry,
We are organising in two weeks an extraordinary general meeting to approve last year’s financial report and the auditors’ report, followed by an informa picnic at Kaisaniemi Park, if the weather is nice. The meeting will be held on Wednesday 25.5. at 16.00 (preceded by a board meeting), directly at the park or in Kaisa-talo if the weather is not good. You’ll get a confirmation email the day of the meeting. The agenda is attached. There will be a possibility to join the meeting online as well.
We wish to see many of you there!
  1. Opening the meeting 
  2. Legitimacy of the meeting
  3. Approving the agenda 
  4. Electing chairperson for the meeting
  5. Electing secretary for the meeting 
  6. Electing two scrutinisers and two tellers for the meeting 
  7. Financial statement and auditors’ report from the year 2021 
  8. Approving the financial statement and discharging the accountables from liability 
  9. Other matters   
  10. Closing the meeting  

HYVÄT Spring Meeting

The HYVÄT Board for 2022 wants to welcome all HYVÄT members to the association’s spring meeting that takes place on March 30th at 18.00 in group study room 329 at Alexandria. Participation is possible also via Zoom and the link as well as the meeting invitation have been sent to HYVÄT mailing list. If you did not receive a message, please consult the board through phd-board@helsinki.fi.

Due to various reasons, some members of the board have had to step out of their responsibilities. Therefore, we will have to elect a new chairperson during the meeting and we are also looking for new active members of the board. If you are interested in developing our activities, please do not hesitate to join us! If you are willing to join the board but cannot come to the meeting, please write us, again at phd-board@helsinki.fi

 The meeting agenda is attached below. See you soon!

General spring meeting
Time: March 30th 2022, at 18.00
Location: Aleksandria, group study room 329, or remote access via Zoom


1. Opening the meeting

2. Legitimacy of the meeting

3. Approving the agenda

4. Electing chairperson for the meeting

5. Electing secretary for the meeting

Electing two scrutinisers and two tellers for the meeting
Annual report, financial statement, and auditors’ report from the year 2021
8. Approving the financial statement and discharging the accountables from liability

9. Electing new chairperson

10. Electing new board members or officers (possible)

Other matters
12. Closing the meeting

PhD Representatives for the term 2022-2023

The names of the new PhD Representatives in the Boards of the Doctoral Programmes and Schools have now been published on the HYVÄT webpage: https://blogs.helsinki.fi/phd-association/phd-reps-2020-2021/ as well as the appropriate pages for each program in Flamma.

The evaluation criteria as well as the names and evaluations of the applicants’ are available in English as attachments (pages towards the end) to the decisions’ document here. The document also includes a summary of the search process in Finnish. Unfortunately Swedish or English translations of the summary are not currently available.

We wish the new representatives a fruitful and enjoyable term!

HYVÄT board 2022 elected

In the Autumn General meeting on Mon 29th November 2021, members of HYVÄT elected the board to handle the association’s actions in 2022. The following persons were elected

Chairperson: Merja Kiiskinen

Other board members (roles to be decided later):
Nora Stenius
Aino Kirjonen
Tahoora Heydari
Matilda Mela
Tommi Mäklin
Ville Jantunen
Salla Eeva
Aleksi Moine

You can reach the HYVÄT board via email at phd-board’@`helsinki.fi

HYVÄT Autumn Meeting & pikkujoulu get-together on 29 November at 17.00

Welcome to the hybrid HYVÄT Autumn General Meeting on Monday November 29th, starting at 17.00. After the meeting, we will hold a pikkujoulut/get-together for HYVÄT members. The meeting will be held in hybrid format in Ravintola Oiva (Porthaninkatu 5, Helsinki) and in Zoom.

See below the agenda for the Autumn Meeting both in Finnish and English.

After the Autumn Meeting, we will hold a casual get-together at the same place. The get-together will be held in the same place as the Autumn Meeting, in Ravintola Oiva in Kallio.

About the Autumn Meeting and selection of the 2022 HYVÄT board

The Autumn General Meeting is an annual meeting of HYVÄT, where the new board for 2022 will be chosen. If you are interested in board membership, feel free to contact me or phd-board@helsinki.fi. If you cannot attend the meeting but would like to be a board member in 2022, please inform me before November 29th and we will elect you to the HYVÄT board at the meeting in absence.

The positions in the board include chairperson, secretary, treasurer, and event coordinator; among others. HYVÄT board essentially decides how the organization operates, what our goals are, and what kind of actions we take to accomplish them / what kind of events we hold, so the workload and commitment for board members and commitment is really up to the board members’ to decide depending on their wishes.

HYVÄT has also traditionally had quite good relations with the doctoral education staff at the University of Helsinki, and HYVÄT board membership provides great opportunities to affect and hear about the direction of doctoral education at the University. If you wish to shape HYVÄT’s future after a few long remote years, this is the perfect time to join the board :)

Agenda for the autumn meeting

General autumn meeting
Time:  November 29th 2020, at 17.00
Physical location: cabinet, Ravintola Oiva, Porthaninkatu 5, Helsinki
Remote location: via Zoom, link has been sent to members via email.

• Opening the meeting
• Legality and quorum
• Approving the agenda
• Election of meeting officials
• Chairperson
• Secretary
• Scrutinizers (2)
• Tellers (2)
• Accepting the action plan for the year 2021
• The joining and membership fees of 2021
• The budget for the year 2021
• Election of the chairperson of the board for 2021
• Election of other board members for 2021 (6-12 people)
• Election of auditors for 2021 (2+2 people)
• Re-election of auditors for 2020 (2 people)
• Financial statement, and auditors’ report from the year 2020
• Approving the financial statement and discharging the accountables from liability
• Other matters
• Closing the meeting

Syyskokouksen esityslista


Yhdistyksen sääntömääräinen syyskokous
Aika: 29. marraskuuta 2021, klo 17.00
Fyysinen kokouspaikka: kabinetti, Ravintola Oiva, Porthaninkatu 5, Helsinki
Etäkokouspaikka: Zoomilla, linkki lähetetty jäsenille sähköpostitse.


  • Kokouksen avaus
  • Kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus
  • Asialistan hyväksyminen
  • Kokousvirkailijoiden valinta
  •         • puheenjohtaja
  •         • sihteeri
  •         • pöytäkirjantarkastajat (2 kpl)
  •         • ääntenlaskijat (2 kpl)
  • Vuoden 2021 toimintasuunnitelma
  • Vuoden 2021 liittymis- ja jäsenmaksut
  • Vuoden 2021 talousarvio
  • Vuoden 2021 hallituksen puheenjohtajan valinta
  • Vuoden 2021 hallituksen muiden jäsenten valinta (6-12 hlö)
  • Vuoden 2021 toiminnantarkastajien valinta (2+2 hlö)
  • Toiminnantarkastajien uudelleenvalinta vuodelle 2020 (2 hlö)
  • Tilinpäätös ja toiminnantarkastajien lausunto vuodelta 2020
  • Tilinpäätöksen hyväksyminen ja vastuuvapauden myöntäminen
  • Muut esille tulevat asiat
  • Kokouksen päätös