Doctoral School in Humanities and Social Sciences (HYMY) and its programmes (2016-2017)

Doctoral school in humanities and social sciences

Heidi Zitting

Heidi Z Rajattu 4

I am a doctoral student in Theology, however I have a profession of a Class Teacher as well. Thus I am familiar with both, the Faculty of Theology and the Faculty of Behavioral Sciences. Furthermore, my background as an active member of Hämäläis-Osakunta -students association, provides me a peephole to studies of those working at the Faculties of Law, Arts and Social Sciences. With this background I am capable of representing all Doctoral Students of HYMY. I am very much interested in planning and organizing the Doctoral School, in order to make sure, that all resources needed are still available for doctoral students of HYMY. Furthermore, I find it important that HYMY can provide places for multidisciplinary activities and networking. In my opinion one important theme of HYMY is to promote the knowledge of the special nature of dissertation projects in philosophical and humanistic subjects.

Doctoral programme in theology

Taina Kalliokoski


Doctoral programme in law

Martin Björklund


Hi folks!

Following a now hopefully nearly extinct Finnish tradition of geriatric doctoral candidates in law, I am a somewhat over-aged Doctoral candidate looking to finish my thesis sometime within the next two years. The few advantages of age may be a bit of experience with both university administration and teaching – and the lacunae in both. For over a decade I have taught various forms of public law to often somewhat (at first) reluctant students at the Swedish School for Social Sciences (spot the “youngster” – and occasionally WTO law and various other bits of Public International Law to a slightly lessreluctant crowd at the Law Faculty. I experimented a bit with developing my teaching and must have done something right as I became a member of the Great and Wonderful Teachers Academy

I realize that someone might ask themselves if I am not really a teacher, a double agent – a representative of the opposite camp? – I think teachers actually interested in improving teaching  are on a great deal of issues very much in the same camp as students, both under and post-grad, and as it happens I will be 100% doctoral student these coming years – and many of you are already teaching… I have greatly enjoyed the energizing company ofdynamic and positive colleagues from all faculties of Helsinki University – We have also done some adventurous and happy cross-disciplinary work in order to produce this  Last year these Good and Wise Colleagues of mine elected me to represent the Central Campus on the board of the Teachers Academy. The board and we as its members have been very much in demand in commenting  on all the various upheavals we have faced at the University with both “The Big Wheel”, The strategy of Helsinki University 2017-2020 and other schemes grand and less grand. Working with these energetic and positive colleagues has given me a genuine sense of belonging at this university and also some sense of being able to contribute. I also hope that the good personal contacts I have made with exceptional teachers and administrative staff all over Helsinki University may be put to good use for this new task as well. For all of these reasons I would be very motivated and honored to represent my fellow Doctoral students on the steering committee of the Doctoral School, where I hope I could contribute to making sure none of us end up with never-ending projects.

NB! If elected & confirmed – please do contact me with your questions, comments, complaints and suggestions at

Doctoral programme in philosophy, arts and society

Harri Mäklin


Doctoral programme in history and cultural heritage

Paula Saari


I’m a doctoral candidate in General History in the Faculty of Arts. I started my doctoral studies in the fall of 2013 and have been working full-time on my PhD since January 2014. I have been a member of the Doctoral Programme for History and Cultural Heritage since its very beginning. I would like to participate in the program’s development and would be happy to serve in the steering committee as a link between faculty and doctoral students. I will be working on my PhD full-time until the end of 2017, so if selected, I will be able to commit myself to this position and attend meetings for the whole period of 2 years.

Doctoral programme in language studies

Jenny Stenberg-Sirén

jenny stenberg-siren

I am a PhD student in Nordic languages at the Department of Finnish, Finno-Ugrian and Scandinavian Studies, and naturally part of the Doctoral Program for Language Studies. I find that the doctoral program has a lot to offer, but that there are still things to be done. If I get elected to the steering committee, I would make it my aim to improve the communication between the steering committee and the students, so that all PhD students would feel involved in the program. In my opinion, the main tasks for the program are to create a network between doctoral students, to offer relevant courses and lectures and in general to support the PhD students in every way possible. With the current economic situation and with all the uncertainty surrounding especially PhD students at the University, I believe that the doctoral program could become more important – if we want it to. In light of all this, I would be honored to represent us PhD students in the steering committee.

Doctoral programme in gender, culture and society

Nina Järviö


The steering committees created as part of the renewed doctoral schooling are important places where questions about our PhD studies are being decided upon. Even so, these committees have remained distant to most PhD students. As a student representative I feel it is important to invest in a more open and transparent decision making.  This I will do e.g. by developing the ways in which information is distributed to PhD students by the doctoral programs, but also between PhD students within the programs. My goal is to represent PhD students in an equal way and make sure the voices of PhD students are heard in the committee. I have experience of student representation from several steering committees and working groups on department level. Ive also been a Representative Council Member at the Student Union of the UH. At the moment, Im writing my PhD in Gender Studies in the doctoral program Gender, Culture and Society (SKY). Im on a study leave from my full-time job as a Student Affairs Officer at the Dep. of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art Studies, where Ive been involved in the development of PhD schooling. As well as understanding the needs of PhD students, I also understand the realities of university administration, which will be useful in the commitee.

Doctoral programme in social sciences

Tomi Lehtimäki

Doctoral programme in political, societal and regional changes

Kristiina Silvan


Doctoral programme in economics

Kristine Koponen

Doctoral programme in school, education, society and culture

Anna Kouhia

Doctoral programme in psychology, learning and communication

Ville Rantalainen

Olen kiinnostunut PsyCo -tohtoriohjelman tohtorikoulutettavien edustajan tehtävästä. Koen että tohtorikoulutettavien edustajan tehtävä tarjoaisi mielenkiintoisen mahdollisuuden tutustua ja osallistua tohtoriohjelman toimintaan ja päätöksentekoon.

Olen 33-vuotias tohtorikoulutettava Helsingin yliopiston kehityspsykologian tutkimusryhmässä. Valmistuin psykologian maisteriksi Helsingin yliopistosta 2013, ja aloitin tohtoriopinnot tammikuussa 2014.

Minulla on opiskeluajaltani kokemusta useista luottamustehtävistä Helsingin psykologiyhdistyksessä (varaopiskelijaedustajana sekä varsinaisena jäsenenä johtokunnassa), käyttäytymistieteellisessä tiedekunnassa (opiskelijajäsenenä valinta- sekä tutkimuseettisissä toimikunnissa) sekä opiskelijajärjestö Kompleksi ry:ssä (mm. puheenjohtajana ja lehden päätoimittajana). Uskon näiden kokemusten olevan hyödyksi myös hakemani tehtävän hoitamisessa.