
Walker Vadillo, V. 2019. A historiography of Angkor’s river networks: shifting the research paradigm to Westerdahl’s Maritime Cultural Landscape, SPAFA Journal, Vol 3., PDF available here.

Kallio, M., Walker Vadillo, V., 2020, Historical Ecology of the Mekong in a set of 5 diachronic maps. Helsinki, Finland. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3827019, Maps available for free download and use here.

Perttola, W. 2021. Digital Navigator on the Seas of the Selden Map of China: Sequential Least-Cost Path Analysis Using Dynamic Wind Data. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory., PDF available here.

Walker Vadillo, V. 2021. Ocean Imperatives: conceptualizing shipping logistics and infrastructures for the study of maritime networks in Southeast Asia.
Tan, N.H. (ed) SPAFACON 2021 : Papers from the SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology and Fine Arts 13 – 17 December 2021. Bangkok: SPAFA-SEAMEO. PDF available here.