Open Pragmatism Seminar Program 2023-24

Friday September 22, 2023 klo 10.00-11.15, Minerva-tori K226, Siltavuorenpenger 5A

Pragmatist Approaches to Technological Problems workshop keynote:

Prof. David Hildebrand (University of Colorado Denver): Algorithms, A.I. and Data in Education: A Pragmatic Look at New Promises and Core Values. [Slides]

Comments and Responses by Prof. Sami Pihlström (University of Helsinki) [Slides]

NOTE: The workshop is also open to public. The workshop will begin on Thursday, September 21, at 1 PM at Athena building hall 107 and continue on Friday 10 AM at Minerva-tori K226.

Zoom link for Prof. Hildebrand’s keynote

Maanantai 2.10.2023 klo 16.15–17.45 Minerva K113, Siltavuorenpenger 5A

TT Kai Alhanen (Aretai/DialogiAkatemia) alustaa aiheesta John Deweyn demokratiakäsitys ja Suomalainen dialogiliike. [Kalvot]

Zoom link

Maanantai 6.11.2023 klo 16.15–17.45 Minerva K113, Siltavuorenpenger 5A

Prof. Katariina Holma (University of Oulu): Autonomous rational agents or adherents of responsible practices? A pragmatist approach to the educational ideal of rationality. (Slides)

Commentator FT Hanna-Maija Huhtala.

Zoom link

Torstai 7.12.2023  klo 16.15–17.45 Minerva K113, Siltavuorenpenger 5A

Professor of Practice Lauri Järvilehto (Aalto); Human Mind and Machine “Mind”? – How Pragmatistic Semantics Can Inform the Interpretation of Meaning in Large Language Models. [Dropbox link to slides]

Zoom link

Video of the presentation (opens in Canva)

Monday February 12, 2024 4.15-5.45 PM, Minerva 222b, Siltavuorenpenger 5A

NOTE: The Feb 12 seminar is cancelled, follow the program updates on this site!

Monday, March 11, 4.15-5.45 PM, Zoom

Jooseppi Räikkönen from the Justice in Crisis project will speak about the theme “Functional Explanation and the Placement Problem: A Pragmatic View”.

NOTE: March 11 seminar session is organized entirely on Zoom!

Zoom link

Monday, April 8, 4.15-5.45 PM, Minerva 222b

Kenneth Siren from the University of the Arts will discuss the theme “Artistic Process as Lingering with Indeterminacy.” (Slides)

Zoom link

Monday, May 6, 4.15-5.45 PM, Minerva 222b

Assistant Professor Veikko Eranti from the University of Helsinki will discuss the theme “New Social Pragmatism: Revisiting the Conceptual Scope of Participation” (a paper written with Professor Eeva Luhtakallio) (Slides)

Zoom link

Thank you for this academic year! The seminar will continue at the University of Helsinki Faculty of Theology on September 5, 2024, at 4.15 PM. Stay tuned for more information.





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