A seminar on Religious Tolerance, Acceptance and Recognition in Early Christianity

The Early Christianity seminar at the European Association of Biblical
Studies (EABS) focuses this year on religious recognition. The event
will take place at the annual meeting of the association, held on July
12–15, 2015 in Cordoba, Spain. The meeting will be part of the
celebrations of the 700th anniversary of the city’s synagogue.
Early Christianity has often been studied from the perspective of
conflicts, both among different religious traditions (Christianity
vis-à-vis Judaism and polytheistic traditions) and within formative
Christianity (rivalry between different Christian teachers and their

Several texts, both canonical and non-canonical, no doubt reflect
suspicion and/or open hostility toward “others”. The focus in the
seminar, however, will be on other modes of interaction; it will be
asked what kinds of examples of constructive dialogue can be found in
early Christian sources. Are there signs of peaceful coexistence of
different religious traditions? Were competing traditions sometimes
recognized as legitimate partners in dialogue? What forms of
interaction and exchange were adopted and how were they justified?

For more information, please visit http://www.eabs.net/site/cordoba-2015/

Text by Outi Lehtipuu
, who will be chairing the Early Christianity seminar at the EABS.