Accepting Wrong Beliefs

Dec 17-18, 2018
Faculty of Theology
Vuorikatu 3, Faculty Hall 524

Organized by the Academy of Finland’s Centre of Excellence,
Reason and Religious Recognition with support from the Laboratoire
d’études sur les monothéismes, the Ecole pratique des hautes études, the
Institut universitaire de France and the Institut français de Finlande

For more information:

Monday, 17 December 2018
1 pm Lunch
3 pm Introduction
3.15 pm Ziad Bou Akl (CNRS) – Ijtihad and Wrong Beliefs in the Islamic Legal
Commentator: Jari Kaukua (University of Jyväskylä)
4.15 pm John A. Demetracopoulos (University of Patras) – Tolerating vs.
Suppressing Dissenting Voices in Late Byzantine Thought:
Philosophical and Theological Arguments
Commentator: Damaskinos Olkinuora (University of Eastern

5.15 pm Break
5.30 pm Tianyue Wu (Peking University) – Erroneous Conscience in Aquinas
Commentator: Simo Knuuttila (University of Helsinki)
6.30 pm Rudolf Schüssler (University of Bayreuth) – Absolving Penitents Who
Hold (in the Confessor’s View) Wrong Moral Beliefs
Commentator: Risto Saarinen (University of Helsinki)

Tuesday, 18 December 2018
9 am John Marenbon (University of Cambridge) – Accepting Wrong Beliefs
in the Long Middle Ages
Commentator: Jose Filipe Da Silva (University of Helsinki)
10 am Christophe Grellard (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes) – Accepting
Heretical Beliefs. Ockham’s View of Heresy and Its Reception in the
Early Sixteenth Century
Commentator: Pekka Kärkkäinen (University of Helsinki)
11 am Nicolas Faucher – Introspection and Other Faiths in the Medieval
Latin Tradition
Commentator: Tianyue Wu (Peking University)
12 pm Lunch
1.15 pm Concluding remarks by Ritva Palmén (Helsinki Collegium for
Advanced Studies) and final roundtable. The roundtable will include
the participation and interventions of two experts of contemporary
religious phenomena, Thierry Lamote and Thomas Bouvatier, both
from the Centre d’études des radicalisations et de leurs traitements
(Paris VII University)