Juri Mykkänen and Petteri Repo on consumer perspectives on arranging circular economy

In this episode, PhD researcher Essi Nuorivaara and Professor Elizabeth Shove interview research director Petteri Repo from the Centre for Consumer Society Research and senior university lecturer Juri Mykkänen from the Faculty of Social Sciences about the article “Consumer perspectives on arranging circular economy in Finland” published in the journal Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy. In the episode, the authors discuss the survey of consumer’s views of circular economy in terms of organizing  the reuse, extending the lifespan, and the ways of obtaining various products and services. The hybrid podcast episode was recorded on 9th May 2022.

Here you can read the abstract and access the full article: Consumer perspectives on arranging circular economy in Finland

Senja Laakso on reconfiguring everyday eating

In this episode, PhD researchers Essi Nuorivaara and Outi Koskinen interview postdoctoral researcher Senja Laakso from the Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS) about the article “Reconfiguring everyday eating: Vegan Challenge discussions in social media” published in the journal Food, Culture & Society. In the episode, Laakso discusses analyzing changing eating practices through topic modelling and qualitative content analysis, using social media as a source of data, and learning through communities of practice.  The interview was recorded on 3rd January 2022.


Here you can read the abstract and access the full article: Reconfiguring everyday eating: Vegan Challenge discussions in social media



Jenny Rinkinen & Elizabeth Shove on conceptualising density

In this episode, PhD students Tuija Kajoskoski and Kirsikka Grön interview post-doctoral researcher Jenny Rinkinen from the Centre for Consumer Society Research and professor Elizabeth Shove from Lancaster University about their recent article ‘Conceptualising urban density, energy demand and social practice’, published in the Buildings and Cities journal. In the episode, the authors discuss the article’s fresh perspective on conceptualising density and provide insights into their research and writing process. The podcast episode was recorded on 10th December 2021.

Link to the article: Conceptualising urban density, energy demand and social practice

Minna Lammi & Mika Pantzar on data economy

In this podcast episode, Santeri Räisänen and Laura Savolainen interview Minna Lammi (University Researcher, CCSR) and Mika Pantzar (Professor, CCSR) about their recent article  “The data economy: How technological change has altered the role of the citizen-consumer” published in the journal Technology in Society. The researchers also share some thoughts and experience on doing research. The interview was recorded 16th September 2021.

Here you can read the abstract and access the full article.

Salla-Maaria Laaksonen & Joonas Koivukoski on Clowns, rhetorical strategies and outcomes

In this episode, CCSR PhD researchers Maiju Tanninen and Susanna Vase interview University researcher Salla-Maaria Laaksonen and PhD researcher Joonas Koivukoski about their article ‘Clowning around a polarized issue: Rhetorical strategies and communicative outcomes of a political parody performance by Loldiers of Odin’, recently published in New Media & Society. In the episode, the researchers discuss the role of humour in political activism and the practices and challenges of studying multimedia parody stunts and their reception. The interview was recorded 6th September 2021.  

Here you can read the abstract and access the full article or read a popularized article (in Finnish).