Almmuheapmi / Registration

Mii illudit dadjat ahte leat ožžon veahkeruđa Niilo Helander foanddas ja danin almmuhanmáksu lea dušše 10€. Eahketmállásiid haddi lea ain 70€.

We are happy to announce that due to Niilo Helanderin säätiö’s stipendium the registration fee has been reduced to 10€. The dinner fee is still 70€.

Almmuhanáigi lea 3.–17.6.2024. FUOM! Oanehis almmuhanáigi. Almmut iežat dán liŋkka bokte. FUOM! Almmuhanáigi lea dál 30.6.2024.

The registration opens on 3rd of June and is open until 17th of June, and it will be done by this link. NOTE! The registration period has been extended until 30.6.2024!