Tag Archives: 2 Samuel

Samuel-Kings Editors’ Workshop (Thu 12 Jan, Helsinki)

On 12.–14.1.2017 the University of Helsinki will host the Samuel-Kings Editors’ Workshop which will bring together the critical edition projects of The Göttingen Septuagint and The Hebrew Bible – A Critical Edition (HBCE) on the Books of Samuel and Kings. The workshop sessions will consist of hands-on work with practical text-critical issues. As both projects aim at establishing a critical, eclectic text – the closest attainable approximation to the archetype – the focus will be especially on the most difficult critical decisions.

As a part of the workshop, on Thursday 12.1.2017 18:00–19:30, there will be an opportunity for everyone interested in textual research to get to know the five projects, their goals and their methods, their problems and their discoveries.

Venue: Faculty of Theology, Faculty Hall (Fabianinkatu 24, 5th floor)

18:00–19:00 — Short presentations:
– Göttingen 1 Samuel (Anneli Aejmelaeus, Helsinki)
– Göttingen 2 Samuel (Tuukka Kauhanen, Helsinki)
– Göttingen 1–2 Kings (Pablo Torijano, Madrid)
– HBCE 1 Kings (Jan Joosten, Oxford)
– HBCE 2 Kings (Andrés Piquer, Madrid)

19:00–19:30 — Discussion

For more information, please contact: tuukka.kauhanen@helsinki.fi

Collaboration is the Key for Preparing a Critical Septuagint Edition: An Interview with Tuukka Kauhanen

(for a Finnish version of this interview, please click here)

The research of changes in ancient texts can be compared to diagnostics. The differences observed in manuscripts are symptoms of conditions or diseases. By observing these symptoms one can reach the causes and find a cure, that is, an answer for the question: what has happened to the text? Continue reading Collaboration is the Key for Preparing a Critical Septuagint Edition: An Interview with Tuukka Kauhanen

Septuagintan Kriittinen Editio Syntyy Yhteistyössä: Haastattelussa Tuukka Kauhanen

(for an English version of this interview, please click here)

Muinaisten tekstien muutosten tutkimusta voi verrata diagnostiikkaan. Käsikirjoituksissa havaitut erot ovat oireita ja merkkejä tiloista tai sairauksista. Oireita tarkkailemalla voi päästä käsiksi erojen syihin ja löytää hoitokeinon eli vastauksen kysymykseen: mitä tekstille on tapahtunut? Continue reading Septuagintan Kriittinen Editio Syntyy Yhteistyössä: Haastattelussa Tuukka Kauhanen

Editing the Septuagint of 2 Samuel

by Tuukka Kauhanen

King David

After King Saul has lost in a war with the Philistines, David becomes the king of the tribe of Judah and later of the entire Israel. He makes Jerusalem the capital of the kingdom. Through the words of Prophet Nathan he receives Yahweh’s promise of an eternal kingdom. He wins several wars and expands his kingdom to comprise much of the Southern Levant.  Continue reading Editing the Septuagint of 2 Samuel