Welcome to SHIELD

Welcome to read about SHIELD programme and the research projects!

SHIELD is a research programme funded by the Strategic Research Council (SRC) for 2022-2028. The programme includes four multidisciplinary projects:

  • Valuable breakages: repair and renewal of algorithmic systems (REPAIR)
  • The democratic epistemic capacities in the age of algorithms (DECA)
  • Generation AI (GenAI)
  • Designing Inclusive & Trustworthy Digital Public Services for Migrants in Finland (Trust-M)

SHIELD focuses on the effects of information technology, artificial intelligence and digitalisation on society, social relations, and people’s rights and opportunities. Digital services, and algorithm-based applications can at best empower people and different groups and enable them to be seen and heard and contribute to their inclusion in society. On the other hand, technological development can produce inequality, polarization, erosion of trust and bad decisions. People’s trust in each other, in public authorities and the welfare state with its safety nets and processes are key strengths of a democratic society. But rapid technological development challenges the foundations of democracy and security, as well as key values ​​such as trust and equality.

The SHIELD program uses multidisciplinary and interactive research to build a wide-ranging knowledge base and expertise to identify and combat threats that undermine trust and security. Research projects produce new empirical and theoretical knowledge on both risks and successful practices, as well as solutions for how technology can be used responsibly and with respect for people’s rights and inclusion. The research cases include for example digital public services, schools, the media, and health care.

The research projects in the SHIELD program produce new research and practical solutions, for example, in the following areas of society.

  • Digital practices and AI applications in public services
  • Digital participation and marginalized and vulnerable people
  • Curriculum reforms and educational material
  • Ethics and responsible principles for the use of artificial intelligence, algorithms and data
  • Evaluation and development of journalists’ and media’s norms and practices

Look around these pages for more info, contact the research project or the Programme Director of SHIELD, Karoliina Snell (karoliina.snell@helsinki.fi).

