The Collaboration Between Finnish Universities and China’s Leading Teacher Education University Strengthened

Finnish delegation witnessed the signing of two agreements by Beijing Normal University (北京师范大学) and the University of Helsinki on strengthening the Sino-Finnish collaboration in education.

The aim for the first agreement is to enhance collaboration on several different aspects of education between the University of Helsinki and the Beijing Normal University; teacher education, research cooperation and to establish joint master’s program.

The second agreement considers a broader view of the Sino – Finnish collaboration on the national level. This agreement concerns the Sino-Finnish Joint Learning Innovation Institute which is a platform for enhancing the collaboration between Chinese and Finnish Universities. Beijing Normal University and University of Helsinki being the national coordinating universities for the cooperation.

These agreements are an important concrete step, not only for the fruitful collaboration in the field of education, but also for enhancing the mutual cultural exchange and understanding.

News on the subject from the Finnish embassy in China:

China’s leading teacher education university to cooperate with Finnish universities

News on the University of Helsinki websites:

Opettajien koulutuksessa aloitetaan yhteistyö Pekingin kanssa