
Prof. Dr. Elzbieta Adamiak (Roman Catholic) is since 2016 Professor of Fundamental Theology and Dogmatic at the University of Koblenz-Landau. Her research focuses on ecumenical and feminist theology. In Poland, she has successfully directed different research projects, among which the project “Religions and Values in Central and Eastern Europe” (sponsored by the European Commission). Adamiak has recently published on the conference theme in Ökumenische Rundschau and will offer a knowledgeable response to Dr. Shmaliy’s paper.

Dr. Niko Huttunen (Lutheran) is Associate Professor in New Testament Studies in the University of Helsinki. His academic interests include the interaction of the ancient philosophy and early Christianity, the reception history of the Bible, and the relationship between early Christians and the Roman Empire. Huttunen is board member in The Finnish Exegetical Society and in The Society for the Finnish Theological Literature. Huttunen has authored several articles and monographs and will speak on “Eschatological Prophet as Political Realist: Paul, State, and Nations.”

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Link-Wieczorek (United) is since 1997 Professor of Systematic Theology at the University of Oldenburg. She is member of numerous academic commissions of ecumenical theology and related research projects. Among her rich publications, she has co-edited two ecumenical theological textbooks in German, the most recent being Basiswissen Ökumene (2017). Ulrike Link-Wieczorek was elected President of Societas Oecumenica in 2016 and will provide the Opening Lecture entitled “Nationalism and Migration as Challenges for Ecumenical Theology.”

Dr. Petre Maican (Romanian Orthodox) is connected to the Faculty of Theology and Religious Sciences at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland. He publishes regularly on ecumenical questions related to Orthodoxy in contemporary discourse. With his response to Andrea Strübind on the question of the ecumenical relevance of the discussion on church-state relations, a critical Orthodox junior scholar joins the conversation.

Dr. Fulata Moyo (Reformed, WCC) is Program Executive for the World Council of Churches on Women in Church and Society and was until recently guest professor for Women studies and African Religion at Harvard Divinity School. She is member of the Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians, challenging accepted norms of patriarchy through research and dialogue. She is also very involved in the public sphere, amongst others as co-instigator of the movement Thursdays in Black, aimed at combatting rape and violence. Fulata Moyo’s paper is entitled “Am I not a Global Citizen on God’s Earth?  Foreignness, Hospitality and Exploitation.”

Prof. Dr. Ivana Noble (Hussite) is Professor of Ecumenical Theology and Director of the Ecumenical Institute of the Protestant Faculty of the University of Prague. As a systematic theologian, she has a strong interdisciplinary perspective with a keen interest in the theological reflection of questions of contemporary society. Having published on fundamental theology, theology of culture, theological anthropology, political theology, dialogue with postmodern society and Christian spirituality, her current work particularly focuses on Orthodox theology. Ivana Noble will offer a response to the paper of Hector Scerri.

Prof. Dr. Friederike Nüssel (Lutheran) is Professor of Systematic Theology at the Ruprecht Karls University in Heidelberg and the Director of the Ecumenical Institute there. She is member of a variety of ecumenical commissions and has published broadly in the field of systematic theology, among which recently a volume on German Theology in the non-European context. Friederike Nüssel will give a plenary response to Peter Phan’s paper.

Prof. Dr. Peter Phan (Roman Catholic) is the Ignacio Ellacuria Chair of Catholic Social Thought in Theology at Georgetown University. He is former president of the Catholic Theological Society of America. In 2010 he was given the John Courtney Murray Award, the highest honor of the Catholic Theological Society of America, in recognition for outstanding and distinguished achievement in theology. His publications range far and wide in theology. They deal with the theology of icon in Orthodox theology,  patristic theology, eschatology, the history of mission in Asia and liberation, inculturation, and interreligious dialogue. Peter Phan will give the public plenary lecture at Heidelberg University entitled “Interplay between Nationalism and Migration: Challenges and Opportunities for Ecumenical Unity

Prof. Dr. Andrew Pierce (Anglican) is Assistant Professor in Ecumenics and Head of Department at the Irish School of Ecumenics of Trinity College Dublin. A former President of Societas Oecumenica, he publishes broadly on ecumenical issues and serves as a consultant to and member of the International Anglican Standing Commission on Unity, Faith and Order. Andrew Pierce will respond to Fulata Moyo’s paper.

Prof. Dr. Hector Scerri (Roman Catholic) is since 1998 Professor of Fundamental Theology and Dogmatics at the Catholic Faculty of the University of Malta. He presides the Ecumenical Council in Malta since 2014 and is consultant of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity in the Vatican. His research focuses on Christian anthropology and the potential of a theology of the eucharist to promote peace. His closing plenary paper is entitled “Welcoming Wayfaring Wanderers, Waifs and Strays (or waving them bye-bye): Some Biblical Paradigms.”

Pr. Dr. Vladimir Shmaliy (Russian Orthodox) is Lecturer at the Ecclesial Postgraduate College of the Russian Orthodox Church in Moscow. He is member of the Faith and Order Committee of the World Council for Churches, where he co-chairs the working group on research on the function of ethical differences in ecumenism. Vladimir Shmaliy will speak on “Church, Nation and Nationalism – Sisters, Friends or Strangers? Reflection in the perspective of a Russian Orthodox.”

Prof. Dr. Peter-Ben Smit (Old Catholic) holds the Dom Helder Camara chair at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and is Professor of Old Catholic Theology at Utrecht University. Smit’s research connects in a unique way the fields of New Testament, History of Church and Theology and Ecumenism. In Utrecht he guides a research project funded by the Dutch Research Foundation which investigates the relations between the ecumenical movement and the European strife for growing unity in the years 1930-1960. Peter-Ben Smit will respond to the paper of Niko Huttunen.

Prof. Dr. Andrea Strübind (Baptist) is since 2006 Professor of Church History at the Institute for Protestant Theology of the University of Oldenburg. She is member of various ecumenical commissions and her research focuses, among others, on the history of the Baptist churches in relation to the state, churches and the American civil rights movement, and churches and religious communities in relation to 20th century dictatorships. Her plenary lecture is entitled “Ambivalence of Ecumenical Experience of Church and Nation.