Autumn kick-off 2016

The somecon-team and Accessibility Research Group send their greetings from an autumn kick-off in Lohjanjärvi, Southern Finland!

The two-day getaway included intensive brainstorming, goal-setting, mushroom-picking and listening to the silence of the lake.

The upcoming academic year is anticipated to be interesting with new papers coming out, new people joining the team and interesting activities (conferences, teaching, workshop) coming up.



SomeCon at the AGILE conference in Helsinki

SomeCon-group spent the past week at the 19th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science in Helsinki, Finland. Enrico and others presented a poster on using social media data for analysing spatio-temporal patterns and nature-based preferences of people in national parks. Social media was a hot topic at the conference alongside with other sources of user-generated spatial information. Thanks to all fellow GIScientists for interesting presentations and discussions!

Other work in AGILE from the Accessibility Research Group can be found here!


Vuokko Heikinheimo, Henrikki Tenkanen, Enrico Di Minin and Anna Hausmann at the 19th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, June 2016 in Helsinki