
Theses can be found in the library’s collections in both printed and digital formats. You can read printed theses at the library premises. Newer theses are mostly available digitally.

You can search for a single University of Helsinki thesis in Helka with the title of the thesis or the author’s name. You can find information about both printed and digital theses in Helka.

You can limit your search in Helka to theses by choosing Master’s theses or Dissertations under Resource Type. 

Filtering a Helka search: Resource Type is circled, and under that, the options Master’s theses and Dissertations are circled.

  • If the digital thesis has been published openly, you can read the thesis directly using the link in Helka.
  • If the digital thesis has not been published openly, you can only see its information in Helka, but you can read it at the library terminals available at the libraries.
  • You can find the location information of a printed thesis in Helka. You can request to read a thesis by making a reservation in Helka.

You can also search for digital theses in Helda, the open publication archive of the University of Helsinki. If you want to browse digital theses or make more detailed searches to their contents, you should use Helda.

The thesis has been published openly if the author has given permission to publish it. The University of Helsinki recommends the open publication of theses.

Theses from other universities can be found in

Read more:
Open publication of theses (the Studies service)
Instructions for searching for University of Helsinki theses (library website)