That’s a wrap!

Cheers! Team members relaxing after the museum tour. Photo: Suzie Thomas

Socialising in the National Museum pavilion

Safe-distance socialising in the National Museum’s pavilion. Photo: Suzie Thomas

Last Tuesday, at safe distance, SuALT (FindSampo) team members past and present from the University of Helsinki, Aalto University and the Finnish Heritage Agency were able to get together for an in-person celebration of the project, hosted in the pavilion on the grounds of the National Museum of Finland.

Guided tour

Past and present team members enjoy a guided tour of Toista maata exhibition. Photo: Suzie Thomas

We were treated also to an excellent guided tour of the new Toista maata (Otherland) exhibition in the National Museum.

Guided tour of Toista maata. Photo by Mikko Koho

Guided tour of National Museum of Finland’s Toista maata exhibition. Photo: Mikko Koho.

The funding from the Academy of Finland concludes at the end of August, and although the project is wrapping up there are still some articles in preparation to come, as well as some updates to the FindSampo portal due soon. The project has spawned yet more projects, not least the DeepFIN Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships programme project led by Dr Eljas Oksanen.

Sampo ingredients

Ingredients for a Sampo: feather of a swan, piece of a spindle, milk of a barren cow, grain of barley, and tuft of lambswool. Photo: Eero Hyvönen

Several more project ideas are in application phase, also at the international level, so expect more to come in the future!


Final remains of the after-party in Manala. Photo: Eero Hyvönen