Interdisciplinary seminar in maritime history and maritime archaeology at the University of Helsinki


Friday 22 November, 2013 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. University of Helsinki, Porhania (Yliopistonkatu 3), PII Free admission, no registration

Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art Studies Maritime History Studies Po Box 59 (Unioninkatu 38 D), 00014 University of Helsinki Tel +358 9 191 23784,

Programme Continue reading “”

Comming soon: Los extranjeros en la Europa moderna: integración y diversidad Madrid 15.-16.5.2013:

Memoria Técnica para la organización de Seminario Científico en el Instituto de Historia del CSIC

 Fecha de documento: 1 de marzo de 2013

Investigador: Enrique de Jesús García Hernán

Título del Seminario: Los extranjeros en la Europa moderna: integración y diversidad

Lugar: Instituto de Historia, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Madrid

Fechas: 16 y 17 de mayo de 2013

Proyecto: Plan Nacional I+D+i del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad “Grupos de poder, comunidades e individuos del Norte de Europa en la Monarquía hispánica durante la Edad Moderna: integración y diversidad”

Investigador Principal: Enrique de Jesús García Hernán

Continue reading “Comming soon: Los extranjeros en la Europa moderna: integración y diversidad Madrid 15.-16.5.2013:”

Coastal maps and charts of the 18th century Finnish Gulf: navigation, archipelago warfare and maritime infrastructure

What do coastal maps and charts tell about navigation, archipelago warfare, wrecks and maritime infrastructure of the 18th century Finnish Gulf (Gulf)? A closer look at the maps reveals a hidden maritime infrastructure: passages, vantage points, pilot homes, secret bases for enemy (Russian) fleets at the Porkkala peninsula, land routes (draget) for hauling the galleys, beacons, small fortified islands with water reservoirs, natural harbours, windsawmills, fortresses and bold utopian-like plans for archipelago strongholds (Nordenbergs Fagerö at the Sipoo coast) etc. As an example of coastal mapping with interesting details of this kind can be mentioned e.g. the works of Jonas Hahn. Continue reading “Coastal maps and charts of the 18th century Finnish Gulf: navigation, archipelago warfare and maritime infrastructure”

Från ersättningsmän till indelta soldater – betydelse, tradition, förändring och kontinuitet

Den av Karl XI genomförda reduktionen innehöll också en grundläggande reform inom armén: det gamla utskrivningssystemet ersattes med indelningsverk (det yngre indelningsverket) eller det ständiga knektehållet som det också kallas. Indelningverket hade många likadana drag med det gamla systemet dvs. med utskrivningar som var det viktigaste sättet att rekrytera fotfolk i Svenska riket inom tidsskedet 1620-1680. Man kan säga, att med indelningsverkets genomförande institutionaliserades och stabiliserades fotfolksrekryrteringen i Svenska riket. Kanske den största förändringen och nyheten – åtminstone i landskapshistorisk mening – var soldattorpet, som grundades riksomfattande i byarnas allmänningar. Continue reading “Från ersättningsmän till indelta soldater – betydelse, tradition, förändring och kontinuitet”

Suositus: Dr. Shannon Perich

Dr. Shannon Perich, Smithsonian Institute, Washington DC: “Collecting Photography for a National Museum”
Ke 28.11. klo 14 – 16 päärakennus, sali 12

Perichin luennolla liikutaan amerikkalaisuuden ytimessä: hänen omat julkaisunsa käsittelevät mm. Kennedyjen perhekuvia sekä country-muusikoista otettuja potretteja. Smithsonian institute itsessään on maailman suurin museo- ja tutkimuskeskittymä (19 museota ja galleriaa, 9 tutkimuslaitosta sekä National Zoological Park).

Meriliikenne, haaksirikot ja sukellusseurat 1700-luvun Suomenlahdella

Pietarin (perustettu 1703) meritiestä Suomenlahdella tuli 1700-luvulla yksi Euroopan tärkeimmistä liikenneväylistä, jota pitkin pääasiassa hollantilaiset rahtialukset, flöitit, kuljettivat nousevaan metropoliin arvolasteja. Tämän lisäksi itäiselle Suomenlahdelle, Narvaan, Viipuriin ja Haminaan syntyi kansainvälisesti tärkeä sahatavaran vientikeskus, jonka vienti ylitti reippaasti koko muun Ruotsin sahatavaran vientimäärät. Kasvanut laivaliikenne lisäksi haaksirikkoja. Jotain oli tehtävä, ja nyt myös voitiin tehdä, sillä vedenalaisteknologia ja sukelluksen teoria (Boyle ja tyhjiökokeet) olivat kehittyneet jo edellisellä vuosisadalla. Uponneen aluksen nostoon oli olemassa tekniikka ja sukelluskellokin käytettiin jo Suomenkin vesillä tiettävästi ensimmäisen kerran 1730-luvulla. Continue reading “Meriliikenne, haaksirikot ja sukellusseurat 1700-luvun Suomenlahdella”

Interdisciplinary meeting in maritime history and maritime archaelogy at the University of Helsinki: The 18th Century Baltic: Seafaring, Technology and Interaction

Friday, 23rd of November, 2012 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

University of Helsinki, Porthania, P II, Yliopistonkatu 3, Free admission, no registration


10.00             Opening. Professor, Head of Department, Hannes Saarinen, University of Helsinki

10.20             Professor Jari Ojala, University of Jyväskylä and BA Lauri Karvonen: Assessing the Reliability of the Sound Toll Accounts: Comparing the Data to the Swedish and Portuguese Sources Continue reading “Interdisciplinary meeting in maritime history and maritime archaelogy at the University of Helsinki: The 18th Century Baltic: Seafaring, Technology and Interaction”

Measuring the Earth ­- Maps and Surveying in Sweden-Finland ca. 1650 to 1809

In 17th and 18th century Sweden the plane table, the leveling diopter and the surveyor’s rope or chain were the tools of the surveyor. Brass precision instruments such as the surveyor’s quadrant or theodolite were still rare or uncommon. In map making, the diopter was used to take bearings of objects to be surveyed before drafting the map on the plane table. Villages with surroundings were mapped (geometriska jordeböcker) and larger areas geographically surveyed (geografiska kartor). The maps were drawn on rag paper, colored with dyes from the soil and completed with an explanatory note (notarum explicatio). Astronomical measurements of location, usually measurements of latitude, were rare and only used in geographical surveys. Continue reading “Measuring the Earth ­- Maps and Surveying in Sweden-Finland ca. 1650 to 1809”

Coming soon: The 18th Century Baltic: Seafaring, Technology and Interaction (23th November 2012 University of Helsinki)

Interdisciplinary meeting in maritime history and maritime archaeology at the University of Helsinki 23th November 2012. From 10 a.m. Porthania II

The 18th Century Baltic: Seafaring, Technology and Interaction

The founding of St Petersburg in 1703 was a major turning at the Baltic Region. The
narrow and notorious route through the Gulf of Finland to the rising capital of Russia became one of the most important passages in the world. The Dutch dominated the shipping to the mid18th century, but the British merchantmen were tracking and took the leading role towards the end of the century. The increase in tonnage meant increase in the amount of shipwrecks. Dutch merchantmen carrying their luxury cargoes to St Petersburg sailed in extremely difficult conditions. Disasters were common. On the other hand, to the coastal people wrecks were a gift from heaven and to the salvation companies (est.1734) lucrative venture. Continue reading “Coming soon: The 18th Century Baltic: Seafaring, Technology and Interaction (23th November 2012 University of Helsinki)”