Miten edistää avoimuutta? Paula Eerola ja Tuuli Toivonen keskustelevat julkaisemisesta ja tutkimuksen arvioinnista (osa 1/2)

Think Open -blogin dialogihaastattelun ensimmäisessä osassa vararehtori Paula Eerola ja geoinformatiikan apulaisprofessori Tuuli Toivonen keskustelevat Plan S -julkilausumasta, avoimen julkaisemisen kannustavuudesta ja tutkimuksen arvioinnista.

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Introduction to Open Data Science (you may become a data scientist!)

Open Data, Open Science, and Data Science – our newest course combines these hot topics with an attractive twist. Introduction to Open Data Science (IODS) is open for everyone willing to learn how to use RStudio, R Markdown and GitHub (state-of-the-art tools of data science) to visualise and analyse open data with multivariate statistical methods following principles and practices of reproducible research. Cha(lle)nge your plans and become a data scientist!

Jatka lukemista ”Introduction to Open Data Science (you may become a data scientist!)”

Open Science infrastructures in the Humanities? Greetings from DARIAH in Paris

Open science and data infrastructures can greatly support certain research areas in the humanities. The 2018 annual DARIAH meeting gathered a number of researchers, librarians, and other parties to discuss these topics in Paris. This blog post provides a summary and some highlights from the meeting.

Jatka lukemista ”Open Science infrastructures in the Humanities? Greetings from DARIAH in Paris”