Is your data safely stored? Aleksi Husso’s Data Cleaning Week challenge

University of Helsinki researcher Aleksi Husso is challenging all doctoral students at the University of Helsinki to check the efficiency and security of their data management routines during the Data Cleaning Week. UH Data Support’s Data Cleaning Week will be held from 16th to 20th December 2019.

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Miten käytän 5S-metodia tiedostojen järjestämiseen?

Datasiivousviikko, 16–20. joulukuuta, haastaa kaikki Helsingin yliopiston tutkijat, kuten myös muun henkilökunnan ja opiskelijat, tarkastelemaan aineistohallintaansa. Tässä blogissa käymme läpi miten tiedostojen järjestämisen voi aloittaa 5S-metodia hyödyntäen. Seuraa ja osallistu datasiivousviikolle Twitterissä käyttäen #5sdata-hashtagia.

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How do I use 5S method for organizing data files?

To improve your work efficiency, it is good to have a clear data management strategy and data files well organized. On this blog post we have gathered tips on how to organize files based on a 5S method. Data Cleaning Week 2019 challenges University of Helsinki researchers, as well as staff and students, to check their data management routines and organize data files.

Jatka lukemista ”How do I use 5S method for organizing data files?”

Delete unnecessary versions of data, release some space – Bess Hardwick’s Data Cleaning Week challenge

University of Helsinki’s information systems specialist Bess Hardwick challenges herself and REC research centre team to join Data Cleaning Week by deleting unnecessary versions of data and releasing space on computers. UH Data Support’s Data Cleaning Week will be held from 16th to 20th December 2019.

Jatka lukemista ”Delete unnecessary versions of data, release some space – Bess Hardwick’s Data Cleaning Week challenge”

”I go through all my data and remove unnecessary duplicates” – Sanja Hakala’s Data Cleaning Week challenge

University of Helsinki researcher Sanja Hakala challenges herself and all her fellow PhD researchers to join Data Cleaning Week by checking out their data management practices. UH Data Support’s Data Cleaning Week will be held from 16th to 20th December 2019.

Jatka lukemista ””I go through all my data and remove unnecessary duplicates” – Sanja Hakala’s Data Cleaning Week challenge”

Miksi Datasiivousviikko järjestetään?

Helsingin yliopiston Datatuen järjestämä Datasiivousviikko pyrkii kiinnittämään yliopistolaisten huomion hyvään datanhallintaan ja siitä saataviin hyötyihin. Datanhallinta tukee myös yliopiston tavoitteita muun muassa tutkimuksen laatuun sekä avoimeen ja vastuulliseen tieteeseen liittyen. Datasiivousviikkoon voi kuka tahansa yliopistolainen osallistua Twitterissä hashtägillä #5sdata.

Jatka lukemista ”Miksi Datasiivousviikko järjestetään?”

Why is Data Cleaning Week organized?

The Data Cleaning Week at the University of Helsinki aims to draw attention to good data management routines and its benefits. This also supports the University of Helsinki’s strategic goals in terms of research quality and open and responsible science. All UH researchers, staff members and students can participate in the Data Cleaning Week on Twitter by using the hashtag #5sdata.

Jatka lukemista ”Why is Data Cleaning Week organized?”

Open science in my PhD

”Science should be transparent and accessible to everyone. Today, I firmly believe that science goes hand in hand with openness. When I started my PhD couple of years ago, I did not even know what open science meant. Since then, I have taken baby steps towards a more sustainable science culture.” In this blog post, University of Helsinki doctoral student Julia Kemppinen writes on a practical level how she learned to understand the importance of open science and how she implements open science practices in her research.

Jatka lukemista ”Open science in my PhD”