Tervetuloa keskustelutilaisuuteen

Tervetuloa kirjan Oma paikka haussa    –  Maahanmuuttotaustaiset nuoret ja koulutus kirjanjulkistukseen ja keskustelutilaisuuteen

Aika: 4.11. klo 11-13.00

Paikka: Tiedekulma, Think Lounge (Yliopistonkatu 4, Helsinki)

Suomalainen koulutusjärjestelmä kuuluu maailman parhaiden joukkoon, ja sitä kiitetään erityisesti tasavertaisuudesta. Mutta miltä se näyttää maahanmuuttotaustaisten silmissä? Oma paikka haussa -keskustelutilaisuus juhlistaa samannimisen teoksen julkaisua ja avaa keskustelua siitä, mitä merkitystä koululla ja koululla on maahanmuuttotaustaisten nuorten elämänkulussa. Miten taata, että mahdollisimman moni löytäisi itselleen sopivan koulutuspolun? Miten kehittää ohjaustyön monikulttuurista sensitiivisyyttä?

Tilaisuudessa keskustelemassa erikoistutkija Pasi Saukkonen (Helsingin kaupungin tietokeskus), dos. Mira Kalalahti , apul. prof. Janne Varjo ja dos. Tuomas Zacheus (Transitions and educational trajectories of immigrant youth: A 4-year longitudinal study from comprehensive education to further education -tutkimus). Keskustelua johtaa prof. Markku Jahnukainen (Helsingin yliopisto).

Oma paikka haussa – maahamuuttotaustaiset nuoret ja koulutus -teoksen ennakkotilaus ja myynti Gaudeamuksen verkkokauppa.

Kirjaa on myynnissä myös keskustelutilaisuudessa.

Tervetuloa, vapaa pääsy.

Tiedustelut Mira Kalalahti (mira.kalalahti@helsinki.fi, research portal).

Just published

New outcomes on educational dreams, hopes and aspirations on Journal of Education and Work (Open Access):

This article examines the educational trajectories envisioned by immigrant-origin youths. The mixed-methods research draws upon quantitative (N = 445) and interview data (n = 112). Whereas most prior research focuses on educational achievement or educational attainment of immigrant-origin youth, this article focuses on their outlooks concerning education and occupation. We determined the educational and career aspirations and expectations immigrant-origin youths have and in the ways their aspirations differ from those of Finnish-origin youths. We also seek to discover how this possible aspiration paradox is reflected in the trajectories envisioned by immigrant-origin youths. We confirm earlier findings showing that immigrant-origin youths have both a strong belief in education and the will to achieve success in tertiary-level education. We also argue for diversity of vocationally oriented youth: whereas Finnish-origin youths often share determinate vocational outlooks, immigrant-origin youths are more likely to aim for tertiary education via vocational education.

Holmberg, Kalalahti, Varjo, Kivirauma, Mäkelä, Saarinen, Zacheus & Jahnukainen (2018) Educational trajectories of immigrant-origin youths in Finland: a mixed methods analysis. Published online: 11 Dec 2018 Online >>


About girls and transitions

How can we support the educational transitions of migrant background girls? How are their dreams and aspirations heard in the study guidance and counseling? Marja-Liisa Mäkelä and Mira Kalalahti discusses these themes in their novel article and emphasis the need to understanding the bounded agency and the ways in which gender and family background are expressed in the modalities of the agency. The study shows that although the experienced agency is universal among the age group, there are specific ethnic and gender connotations.

Mäkelä, M-L. & Kalalahti, M. 2018. Facing Uncertainty Yet Feeling Confident: Teenage Migrant Girls’ Agencies in Upper Secondary School Transitions. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. Online >>

Vivid discussion in sociological conference (European Sociological Association 2017)

A group of Transit-researchers presented some findings from Transit and EMED at the sociological conference (ESA2017) in Greece. Many discussions on multiculturalism and steering systems that face same difficulties of recognition and resources. Here you find the power points for the presentations:

Unequal transitions in a paradise of equality? Education authorities’ views on the transitions of young people with immigrant backgrounds and/or with special educational needs

Course clear? Concrete educational expectations and abstract career aspirations of immigrant- and Finnish-origin youth

Tutkimuksen eteneminen

Transit-nuorten seuranta

Tutkimukseen osallistuu yhteensä 465 nuorta. Olemme tavoittaneet teidät ysiluokalla ja sen jälkeen kaksi kertaa viime lukuvuonna. Suuret kiitokset osallistumisesta tähän asti!

Tästä eteenpäin toteutamme kaksi kyselyä. Saatte puhelimeen tai sähköpostiin linkin kyselyyn, jonka voi täyttää älypuhelimella tai tietokoneella. Lähetämme myös paperilomakkeita, joiden postitus on ilmaista.

Seuraavan kyselyn teemme nyt keväällä (2017) ja viimeisen kun olette lopettelemassa opintoja lukiossa tai ammattikoulussa (2018). Viimeisenä vuotena pyrimme myös tapaamaan teitä ja tekemään haastatteluja. Arvomme edelleen vastaajien kesken leffalippuja ja loppumetreillä toteutamme luvatun iPad-arvonnan.

Olemme kirjoittaneet tuloksista tutkimusraporttien lisäksi täällä blogimme new-osiossa.

Miten on mennyt toisella asteella?

Nuoret viihtyvät ammattikouluissa ja lukioissa

Tavoitimme kesän 2016 korvilla 306 Transit-nuortamme. Kyselyn perusteella nuoret pitävät opiskelusta toisella asteella. Yhdeksänteen luokkaan verrattuna kouluviihtyvyys on lisääntynyt ja kiusaamiskokemukset ovat entistä harvinaisempia.


Mukaviksi opiskeluissa koettiin muun muassa itsenäisyys ja valinnan vapaus, mahdollisuus keskittyä aikaisempaa enemmän juuri itseä kiinnostaviin asioihin. Samalla kuitenkin kaverit ja ryhmähenki ovat tärkeitä asioita ammattikouluissa ja lukioissa.


Toisella asteella on ollut hyvin tukea tarjolla: vain noin viisi prosenttia nuorista kokee jääneensä vaille tukea opintojen suunnittelussa. Samoin viisi prosenttia sanoo jääneensä ilman erityisopettajan tukea.

Oikealla alalla?

Transit-nuorista noin kaksi kolmasosaa jatkoi opintojaan lukiossa ja yksi kolmasosa ammattikoulussa. Noin viisi prosenttia nuorista oli valmentavissa koulutuksissa, kymppiluokilla, suorittamassa peruskouluopintoja, työpajoilla tai ulkomailla.

Lähes kymmenen prosenttia nuorista oli harkinnut keskeyttävänsä opintonsa toisella asteella. Syitä olivat muun muassa jaksamisen puute ja opintojen rankkuus. Myös kymmenen prosenttia harkitsi alan vaihtamista, joko ammattikoulusta toiseen tai lukiosta ammattikouluun.

Koppi nuorista!

Vain muutama seuraamistamme nuorista oli koulutuksen ulkopuolella. He olivat hakeneet tietoa koulutusvaihtoehdoista peruskoulun ja toisen asteen opoilta, tulevaisuustiskiltä ja työvoimatoimistosta. Vain pari heistä ei ollut aikeissa hakea uudelleen koulutukseen.

Seuraavan kerran tavoittelemme Transit-nuoria vuodenvaihteessa 2017 ja viimeisen kerran vuonna 2018 nuorten siirtyessä toiselta asteelta eteenpäin.


Nuorten oppilaanohjaus ja hyvinvointi pääkaupunkiseudulla

Transit kävi keväällä tapaamassa suunnittelijoita, opoja ja muita nuorten kanssa työskenteleviä ryhmiä.

Nuorten hyvinvointi Helsingissä -seminaarissa. Seminaarissa nuorisotutkijat keskustelivat nuorten tukemisen ja tarpeiden tunnistamisen mahdollisuuksista ja esteistä. Yhdistävänä teemana oli monimuotoisuuden ymmärtäminen ja siirtymien joustavuuden tukeminen. Esityksiin voi tutustua täältä:

Opinto-ohjaajien seminaarissa puolestaan keskusteltiin oppilaan ohjauksen herkkyydestä. Helsingins kaupungin opetusviraston blogista voi tutustua keskusteluun: http://helsinginopetusvirasto.koulublogit.fi/2016/05/25/oppilaanohjaajan-tyossa-tarvitaan-herkkyytta/.

Symposium at Nera


44th NERA Congress ‘Social Justice, Equality and Solidarity in Education?’

The population of Nordic countries is rapidly changing more ethnically diverse. The previous research shows that in Nordic countries– in contrast to countries with longer and more widespread tradition in meeting the diverse population (e.g. Australia, Canada) – the educational performance and trajectories of immigrant youth in general tend to remain lower than for the native counterparts. The inclusion of a diverse ethnical population is a major challenge for the schooling and Nordic society in general. This symposium will be based on the findings of three research groups focusing on the experiences of immigrant youth and their families in Finland, Norway and in Sweden. The presentations will describe the educational experiences of migrant youth and/or their transitions to further education and work. The education policy as well as pedagogical implications of the research findings will be discussed.

Nera3Winding paths through school and after – Careers of young Swedes of Non-European origin


Umeå University, Sweden

Not completing secondary education has been linked to multiple interacting causes related to the student and his/her family, to edu­cational practices and policies (Dale 2010; Rumberger and Lim 2008). Generally non-completers have more limited life chances and less oppor­tun­ities for social mobility than other youths; this is also clearly connected to social class, gender, ethnicity and disability. Non-completion increases the risks of un­em­ploy­ment, unsatis­factory working conditions and poverty (Fenton and Dermott 2006). The fact that immigrants are at the margins of the la­bour market in most count­ries (Behtoui 2004; OECD 2010) can be partly explained by lower than average edu­ca­tional attainment (OECD 2010), but socio-economic background and being a re­fugee, migrant or guest worker are also contributory factors (Rumbaut and Komaie 2010).

In Sweden as in other late-modern nations, a ‘transition machinery’ of policies and measures has emerged in the last decades to prevent and repair school failure and drop-out, and support young people´s entrance into the labour market. However unusually far-going de­centrali­sation and marketization of education, and the disappearance of many ‘entrance jobs’ in Sweden have rendered such efforts more difficult. Young people now have to navigate through a veritable jungle of school and educa­tional choices (Lidström et al. 2014). There are further unreasonably large local variations in e.g. special needs education, career counselling and measures addressing young people not in employment, education or training (Lundahl and Olofsson 2014).

Emanating from the research project ‘Unsafe transitions’, funded by the Swedish Research Council, this paper aims to deepen the knowledge of careers in and after school of young people of Non-European origin in Sweden. Based on life-history interviews, we analyse the careers and encounters with the Swedish ‘transition machinery’ of 26 young people (14 males, 12 females) of Non-European origin who failed upper secondary education. Their careers through school and after are also compared and contrasted to the careers of the other young people in a group of altogether 100 young Swedes in their early twenties (mean age: 21.5 years) who left school without complete upper secondary qualifications.

Using careership theory (Hodkinson & Sparkes 1997, Hodkinson 2008), the careers of the young people involved are analyzed in terms of pragmatic-rational choices, routines, breaking points and horizons of action. Departing from a critical perspective (Said 1978, Anthias 2002, Trondman 2007), ‘otherness’ is used to analyse and understand the stories of the young adults.

There are both common denominators and interesting and somewhat unexpected differences in the career patterns over time between youths with Swedish and migration background. The latter encounter certain common difficulties in school, e.g. to be treated as the ‘other’, and also lack of understanding of the common need to work parallel to the studies in order to support the family. They however succeed to get jobs at an early stage to higher extent than other youth in the study – but often what may be considered as dead-end jobs.


Anthias, Floya, (2002) ”Where do I belong? Narrating collective identity and translocational positionality”, Ethnicities: 2 (4): 491-514.
Behtoui, A (2004). “Unequal Opportunities for Young People with Immigrant Background in the Swedish Labour Market.” Labour: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations 18 (4): 633-660.
Bunar, N (2010). “Choosing for quality or inequality: current perspectives on the implementation of school choice policy in Sweden.” Journal of Education Policy 25 (1): 1-18.
Dale, R (2010). Early School Leaving. Lessons from Research for Policy Makers. NESSE: An independent expert report submitted to the European Commission. European Commission.
Fenton, S & Dermott, S (2006). “Fragmented Careers? Winners and Losers in Young Adult Labour Markets.” Work, Employment & Society 20 (2): 205-221.
Hodkinson, P & Sparkes, A (1997). “Careership: a Sociological Theory of Career Decision Making.” British Journal of Sociology of Education 18, (1): 29-44.
Hodkinson, P (2008). Understanding Career Decision-making and Progression: Careership Revisited. London: John Killeen Memorial Lecture.
Lidström, L, Holm, A-S & Lundström, U (2014). “Maximising Opportunity and Minimising Risk? Young People’s Upper Secondary School Choices in Swedish Quasi-markets.” Young 22 (1): 1-20.
Lundahl, L, Erixon Arreman, I, Holm, A-S & Lundström, U (2013). ”Educational marketization the Swedish way.” Education Inquiry, 4 (3): 497-517.
Lundahl, L & Olofsson, J (2014). “Guarded transitions? Youth trajectories and school-to-work transition policies in Sweden.” International Journal of Adolescence and Youth 19 (Supplement 1): 19-34.
OECD. 2010. Equal Opportunities? The Labour Market Integration of the Children of Immigrants. Paris: OECD Publishing.
Rumberger, R & Lim, S A (2008). Why Students Drop Out of School: A Review of 25 Years of Research, California Dropout Research Project Report no 15. University of California Santa Barbara. doi: http://www.cdrp.ucsb.edu/pubs_reports.htm
Rumbaut, R G & Komaie, G (2010). “Immigration and Adult Transitions.” The Future of Children 20 (1): 43-66.
Said, E.W. (1978/2004) Orientalism. Stockholm: Ordfront.
Trondman, M (2007). Cecilias dilemma: att vara eller inte vara ’invandraren’, in Dahlstedt et al (eds) Utbildning, arbete, medborgarskap: strategier för social inkludering i den mångetniska staden. Umeå: Boréa Bokförlag.

Children with immigrant backgrounds in Mid-Norway; their school experiences


Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway

Research topic

This presentation takes its part of departure in a study of school- home relationships with families of immigrant backgrounds in Mid-Norway. The aim of this presentation is to elaborate on how pupils experience learning, mastery and belonging.

Theoretical and methodology framework

The project builds on a phenomenological research tradition whose purpose is to obtain individuals’ experiences of a given phenomenon (Denzin & Lincoln, 1994). The empirical material builds on 14 videotaped focus group interviews of all together 71 pupils with immigrant background, aged 8, 13 or 16 years. Focus groups are often used to study how knowledge, values and behaviour develop and operate in a given context (Marková, Linell, Grossen & Orvig, 2007).

Nera2Earlier studies have shown that pupils with immigrant backgrounds tend to have lower grades compared to ethnic Norwegian pupils. Regarding experiences of school mastery in Norwegian schools, studies have shown that young people with and without immigrant backgrounds have approximately the same opinion of their performances, despite the fact that their results may be different (Frøyland & Gjerustad, 2012). Furthermore, the same study indicate that young people with immigrant backgrounds have a more positive experience of the learning environments than ethnic Norwegian pupils have, and that they also experience their parents to have high expectations when it comes to school results and plans of higher education.

Expected conclusions/findings

In the data analysis, we looked for discursive patterns in order to develop a framework to limit the material (Chouliaraki & Fairclough, 1999; Fairclough, 2007). We will present findings according to the following discourses; i) The significance of being understood, ii) the significance of expectations, iii) the significance of coping, iv) the significance of mastery, v) the significance of belonging, and vi) the significance of support.

Relevance to Nordic educational research

According to White Paper 6 (2012 – 13) there is a lack of knowledge about the learning environment for pupils with immigrant backgrounds in Norwegian schools. By sharing these pupils experience of their own schooling, the aim of this study and presentation is to contribute to strengthen this knowledge, a knowledge that is important in the development of a diverse and inclusive school.


Chouliaraki, L. & Fairclough, N. (1999). Discourse in late modernity. Rethinking critical discourse analysis. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Denzin, N. K. & Lincoln, Y. S. (1994). Handbook of Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks: sage Publications
Fairclough, N. (2007). The contribution of discourse analysis to research and social change. In N. Fairclough, G. Cortese, & P. Ardizzone (eds.). Discourse and contemporary social change (pp. 25-48). Bern: Peter Lang.
Frøyland, L. & Gjerustad, C (2012). Vennskap, utdanning og framtidsplaner. Forskjeller og likheter blant ungdom med og uten innvandrerbakgrunn i Oslo [Friendship, education and future plans. Differences and equalities among adolescents with and without immigrant backgrounds]. Oslo: NOVA-rapport 5/12.
Marková, I., Linell, P., Grossen, M., & Orvig, A.S. (2007). Dialogue in focus groups. Exploring in socially shared knowledge. London: Equinox Publishing.
White Paper 6 (2012 – 2013). En helhetlig integreringspolitikk (A holistic integration policy). Oslo: Barne-, likestillings- og inkluderingsdepartementet.

Immigrant youth in transition to upper secondary education in Finland


University of Helsinki & University of Turku, Finland

TRANSIT project is a prospective, longitudinal study exploring the educational transitions of > 400 students from compulsory education (Grade 9) to upper secondary education during 4 years period. The target group has been recruited from several schools from Helsinki metropolitan area and from Turku region. The study goal is to reach a comprehensive picture of the variety of trajectories of immigrant/multicultural youth, compare those to the native counterparts’ trajectories and explain the transition mechanisms.

Firstly, this presentation will describe these young people’s educational aspirations as well as their school experiences while still in compulsory school. This data was gathered in the end part Grade 9, when they need to apply to upper secondary education. Main findings are that compulsory school experiences of immigrant youth were more positive than for native Finns, although they reported to have experienced more difficulties related to learning and studying. The future educational aspirations for both groups were found to be very similar. This positive orientation despite the difficulties could be called as ‘immigrant paradox’: based on the register-based previous research, the immigrant students tend to drop-out of further studies significantly more often than non-migrants.

Secondly, the presentation will describe the actualized educational situation of the follow-up group after the transition from compulsory to upper secondary schools. This data is gathered during Fall 2015 using short mobile surveys and/or phone interviews. The actualized situation during the first post-compulsory year will be compared to the educational choices made during the Grade 9 using person-oriented approach.