Tukikortit – Konkreettista apua työhyvinvointiryhmien vapaaehtoisille tukihenkilöille

Helsingin tutkijanaiset ry teki kyselyn akateemisen maailman sisällä koetusta seksuaalisesta häirinnästä ja yksi suurin puute, mikä kävi ilmi, oli lähitason tuen puute. Kutsumme sitä ruohonjuuritason tueksi ja tarkoitamme sillä sitä, että lähellä opiskelijaa, opettajaa, henkilökunnan jäsentä, joka miettii mistä oikein jossain epämukavassa kokemuksessa oli kyse, olisi tukihenkilö, jonka kanssa voisi helposti pohtia asiaa. HELWOR developed the so-called Support cards for the well-being group volunteer contact persons after the survey concerning sexual harassment in the Academia. The main reason was that there appeared to be a great need for so-called grassroot level contact people for people who had had uncomfortable experiences and needed to find out what to do. 

Kumpulan kampuksella henkilöstö ja opiskelijat ovat kehittäneet työhyvinvointia pitkäjänteisesti. Esittelen tässä vuosikokouksessamme esillä olleet tukikortit. Ne kehitettiin yhdessä Helsingin yliopiston hallinnon ja Helsingin tutkijanaisten kanssa. Ne perustuvat käytännöstä nousseisiin kokemuksiin ja tarpeisiin. Ideana on, että vapaaehtoinen tukihenkilö saa näistä tukea nopeasti ja helposti.

Löydät kortit alla olevasta linkistä. Tutustu niihin ja sovella niitä vapaasti omassa yhteisössäsi!

The staff and students on the Kumpula Campus have been developing well-being persistently. Here you can find the Support-Cards, which are meant as a quick support and checklist for a volunteer contact person. They contain a lot of information that is based on experience. Creating these cards were people from Kumpula, Helwor and administrative people from HR from the University of Helsinki. 

Please, read them and feel free to apply them on your own unit!


Webinar: Learn about tools that support gender equality in marine science and beyond!

Welcome to join EU project Baltic Gender Final Conference on 18 June 2020 11:00–13:15 (Finnish time).

Learn about selected products of the Project – initiatives and tools – that support equal chances and gender awareness in environmental science.

How can gender awareness change the way we design and perform our projects? GenderWave is a digitool to integrate gender perspectives into (marine) research project planning. Which measures and activities support structural changes?

We are delighted to announce our final conference, which will be in the format of an online webinar.

Who is it for?

Researchers, lecturers, technicians and administrative staff in marine science and STEM
Gender equality and equal opportunity officers
Gender equality plans core team members
Decision-makers and leaders in higher education
Cruise leaders and participants
Anyone who is interested

Learn and join in the discussion!

We use Zoom as a tool to support the Baltic Gender Webinar.

Register and read more


18 June 2020, BALTIC GENDER Final Conference

We will present four Baltic Gender products which can be used to reduce gender inequalities and support structural changes in marine science. These products are:

  • Brochure on structural changes in marine science (Dr Ines Weber, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Germany)
  •  Brochure on gender sensitive teaching methods (Kiel University of Applied Sciences, Germany)
  •  GenderWave: a digitool for integration of gender perspectives into marine research and innovation (Dr Helena Valve, Finnish Environment Institute, Finland)
  • Measures to prevent sexual harassment or sexualised violence at sea (Nikole Lorenz, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany)
  • The presentations will be followed by an open discussion led by Prof. Susan Buckingham.