Lecture: Russia, an Energy Giant: Fossil or Renewable?

Yesterday Professor Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen was giving a lecture on energy politics, titled “Energiajätti Venäjä: fossiilinen vai uusiutuva?” (Russia, an Energy Giant: Fossil or Renewable?). The lecture was organised by Suomi-Venäjä Seura at Työväenmuseo Werstas auditorium in Tampere, and was part of the events of “Russia as a niighbour” series during the 100th year of Finnish Independence celebration. More information is available here.

Rakkaudesta tieteeseen

Strategic Research Council (STN) organised “Rakkaudesta tieteeseen” (From love to science) session on 14th of February. Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen took part together with Pami Aalto in the session “Globaali muutos ja Suomi” (Global Change and Finland), where they gave a talk titled “Suomen energiaturvallisuus muuttuvassa maailmassa” (Finnish energy security in the changing world).

You can watch a video of their presentation here.