What’s next?


Photo by Sofia Lavaste (@slavaste on Instagram)

The course development process has been kicked off with a plenty of meetings across campuses and faculties. In reality though, the process started much earlier – for example, last fall, a HELSUS trainee wrote a comprehensive report on all sustainability-related courses organised globally. This has given us an idea how multidisciplinary courses on sustainability have been organised in other universities.

The next formal step for us is to introduce the project to the Council of Education Affairs (ONE) at the university and hear their thoughts. Before that, however, the coordination team is conducting a student survey to hear thoughts from university students (we’ll tell you all about this in an upcoming post).

In addition to the more formal avenues in the development process, we will also launch workshops for enthusiastic university staff. These will be both online and in person across campuses.

If you want to know more, contact us at uhsustained-team@helsinki.fi ! You can also subscribe to our mailing list, or join our Teams-area. For both, you can contact the team above and we’ll get you sorted!