
Kurssin kotisivu

Väestötaloustieteen mikroperusteet
Eettisiä kysymyksiä
Väestöllinen transitio
Taloudellinen kasvu
Ikärakenne ja talouskasvu
Kuolleisuus ja talouskasvu
Kehitysmaiden väestökysymyksiä
Koottuja aiheita (AIDS, ikääntyminen)
Väestönkasvu ja ympäristö

Opetus perustuu opintomonisteeseen.

Esseeaiheet ja kirjallisuus:

Mikroteoriaa ja sovellutuksia (Lasten kysyntäteoria. Kuinka naisten työssäkäynti vaikuttaa syntyvyyteen? Naisten palkat ja syntyvyys. Signaloivatko naiset äitiys lomapaluillaan?)

Ahn M, Mira P (2002): A Note on Changing Relationship between Fertility and Female Employment Rates in Developed Countries. Journal of Population Economics 15, 667–682.

Apps P, Rees R (2004): Fertility, Taxation, and Family Policy. Scandinavian Journal of Economics 106(4), 745–764.

Del Boca D, Locatelli M (2006): The Determinants of Motherhood and Work Status: A Survey. IZA Discussion Paper 2414.

Goldin C (2006): The Quiet Revolution that Transformed Women’s Employment, Education, and Family. American Economic Review 96(2), 1–21.

Haataja A (2003): Äidit ja isät työmarkkinoilla 1989-2002. Sosiaali- ja. terveysministeriön selvityksiä 29.

Kellokumpu J (2006): Lasten vaikutus äidin palkkaan. Palkansaajien tutkimuslaitoksen tutkimuksia 103.

Mosio E (2010): Perheen ja Työn Yhteensovittaminen. Teoksessa Halko ML, Mikkola A, Ruuskanen OP: Naiset, Miehet  ja Talous. Helsinki University Press. Gaudeamus.

Napari S (2010): Lasten Vaikutus Naisten Palkkakehitykseen. Teoksessa Halko ML, Mikkola A, Ruuskanen OP: Naiset, Miehet  ja Talous. Helsinki University Press. Gaudeamus.

Rocha J, Fuster L (2006): Why Are Fertility Rates and Female Employment Ratios Positively Correlated across O.E.C.D. Countries? International Economic Review 47(4), 1187–1222.

Vikat A (2004): Women’s Labor Force Attachment and Childbearing in Finland. Max-Planck-Institute for Demographic Research Working Paper WP 2004- 001.

Siirtolaisuus (Siirtolaisuuden taloudellinen teoria. Nostaako siirtolaisuus syntyvyyttä länsimaissa? Nostaako siirtolaisuus  talouskasvua länsimaissa?))

Borjas G (1994) The Economics of Immigration. Journal of Economic Literature 32(4),  1667–-1717.

Borjas G (1995): The Economic Benefits of Immigration. Journal of Economic Perspectives 9(2), 3–-22.

De Jong G (2000): Expectations, Gender, and Norms in Migration Decision-Making. Population Studies 54, 307–319.

Galor O, Mountford A (2008): Trading Population for Productivity: Theory and Evidence. Review of Economic Studies 75(4), 1143–1179.

Zak P, Feng Y, Kugler J (2002): Immigration, fertility, and growth. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 26(4), 547–576.


Elinikä ja taloudellinen kasvu, kuolleisuus

Acemoglu D, Johnson S (2007): Disease and Development: The Effect of Life Expectancy on Economic Growth.  Journal of Political Economy 115, 925–985.

Becker GS, Phillipson TJ, Soares RR (2005): The Quantity and Quality of Life and the Evolution of World Inequality. American Economic Review 95, 277–291.

Cervellati M, Sunde O (2005): Human Capital Formation, Life Expectancy and the Process of Development. American Economic Review 95(5), 1653–1672.

Cutler D, Deaton A, Lljeras-Muney A (2006): The Determinants of Mortality. Journal of Economic Perspectives 20(3), 97–120.

Fogel R (1994): Economic growth, population theory, and physiology: The bearing of long-term processes on the making of economic policy, American Economic Review,  84, 369–395

Kalemli-Ozan S(2002): Does Mortality Decline Promote Economic Growth. Journal of  Economic Growth 7(4), 411–439.

Kalemli-Ozan S, Ryder HE, Weil DN (2000): Mortality Decline, Human Capital Investment, and Economic Growth. Journal of Development Economics 62(1), 1–23.

Lehmijoki U (2010): Väestöllinen transitio muuttaa maailmaa. Teoksessa Halko ML, Mikkola A, Ruuskanen OP (eds.) Naiset, miehet ja talous. Gaudeamus, Helsinki..

Robson AJ (2001): The Biological Basis of Economic Behavior. Journal of Economic Literature 39(1), 11–33.

Robson AJ, Kaplan HS (2003): The Evolution of Human Life Expectancy and Intelligence in Hunterer-Gatherer Economics. American Economic Review 93(1), 150–169.

Soares RR (2005): Mortality Reductions, Educational Attainment, and Fertility Choice. American Economic Review 95(3), 580–601.

Soares RR (2007): On the Determinants of Mortality Reductions in the Developing World. NBER Working Paper No. W12837.


Uudet väestöllistä transitiota ja talouskasvua käsittelevät mallit

Galor O,  Weil D (2000): Population, Technology, and Growth: from Malthusian Stagnation to the Demographic Transition and Beyond. American Economic Review 90, 806–826.

Galor O (2005): From Stagnation to Growth: Unified Growth Theory. In Aghion P, Durlauf S (eds.) Handbook of Economic Growth. Elsevier, 171–293

Galor O (2007): Multiple Growth Regimes-Insights from Unified Growth Theory. Journal of Macroeconomics 29( 3),  470–475.

Galor O, Mountford A (2006):  Trade and the Great Divergence: The Family Connection. American Economic Review 96(2), 299–303.

Voigtlender N, Voth HJ (2006): Why England? Demographic Factors, Structural Change and Physical Capital Accumulation during the Industrial Revolution. Journal of Economic Growth 11, 319–361.

Mokyr J, Voth HJ (2006):  Understanding Growth in Europe. Conference paper.

Galor O, Mountford A (2008): Trading Population for Productivity: Theory and Evidence. Review of Economic Studies 75(4), 1143–1179.

Galor O, Moav O, Vollrath D (2009): Inequality in Land Ownership, the Emergence of Human Capital Promoting Institutions, and the Great Divergence. Review of Economic Studies 76(1), 143–179.

Ashraf Q, Galor O (2007): Cultural Assimilation, Cultural Diffusion and the Origin of the Wealth of Nations. Working Paper.