“Narrating the Urban Waterfront in Crisis” – Gothenburg University

Excited to present my research at Gothenburg University 28.2.2017.

Thanks to Linda Karlsson Hammarfelt and everyone at Gothenburg University to make my visit possible!


Narrating the Urban Waterfront in Crisis. Juxtaposing Futures of the Waterfront under Threat in Literary Fiction and Planning

Urban waterfronts worldwide are currently undergoing eventful transformations: in a range of cities, post-industrial waterfronts are being redeveloped to address changing living preferences and working conditions, while new challenges are beckoning on the horizon in the form of threatening environmental change and rising sea levels. How is the experience of the urban waterfront in crisis, and the uncertainty of possible futures, shaped in and by narrative? In this lecture, I will analyse narratives of the waterfront from two distinct perspectives and looking at two specific case studies. My focus will be on recent developments and literary texts set in New York and Helsinki. I will look, first, at the way in which literary fiction frames the experience of a waterfront in crisis, and how it presents possible alternative futures. In the context of New York City, key texts will be Ben Lerner’s 10:04 (2014) and Nathaniel Rich’s Odds against tomorrow (2013), as well as Jonathan Lethem’s Chronic City (2009). In the context of Helsinki, I will focus on Antti Tuomainen’s Parantaja (The Healer; 2010), Annika Luther’s De hemlösas stad (City of the Homeless; 2011), and Hannu Mäkelä’s novel Hyvä jätkä, a book commissioned by the city of Helsinki to promote the West Harbour development (Good Chap; 2009). Second, and considering narrative and rhetoric models for framing alternative storyworlds, I will examine how, in New York City’s comprehensive waterfront plans (1992, 2011) and in Helsinki’s strategic and detailed urban planning documents, the simultaneous possibility of alternative storyworlds structures policy narratives of the urban future.

My lecture will engage with current debates in literary spatial studies, narrative planning, literary ethics, and environmental criticism. The aim is to foreground the materiality of planning narratives (whose projected futures are intended to be petrified in concrete and glass in due course), while simultaneously drawing attention to the rhetoric and literary antecedents of such narratives. Ultimately, I hope to gain a better understanding of what kinds of paths towards the future are postulated by two very different kinds of texts – planning and fictional texts – and what room they leave for agency and choice in our relationship with our environment.

Futures of the Urban Waterfront at Shifting Grounds, Zürich

Speaking at the Shifting Grounds conference in Zürich (26.11.2016) on the subject of “Futures of the Urban Waterfront: Narrating Diverging Pathways in Literary Fiction and Planning Documents”. With a specific focus on New York waterfront development in city planning and literary fiction – from the city’s comprehensive waterfront plans to literary novels such as Nathaniel Rich’s Odds Against Tomorrow. Unfortunately a subject that gets more timely all the time. One of the key questions: how to move from thinking about “[w]hat was possible? What should we be afraid of?” (Rich 7) to “Doing: finally.” (Rich 202)

Book of abstracts here.

Towards a narrative typology of urban planning narratives for, in and of planning

Out now!

“Towards a narrative typology of urban planning narratives for, in and of planning in Jätkäsaari, Helsinki”

Published online first by Palgrave’s Urban Design International.

The article is part of a series of articles on narrative in the context of planning – more here.


Urban planning and theory have witnessed an increasing interest in narratives. There remain, however, diverging notions of what is meant with narratives, and of their function and use. This article provides a taxonomy of narratives in the context of planning, illustrated by the redevelopment of Jätkäsaari, Helsinki. Three distinct types of narrative can be identified in the context of urban planning: narratives for, in and of planning. This paper argues that a narrative typology of urban planning that draws on concepts from narrative theory could bring new insights into the discursive urban practices that have appearing during past decades.


urban planning /waterfront development / Helsinki / urban form / narrative

Presenting “Plotting Possible Futures” at the seminar “Strategic narratives: Framing urban futures”

Participating 14.10. in the SCENSLECO autumn Seminar
“Strategic narratives: Framing urban futures”
13. & 14.10.2016, Helsinki.

I will be presenting a paper entitled “Plotting Possible Futures: Narratives of the Urban Waterfront in Literary Fiction and Planning Documents” – within the context of my current research on narratives of the urban waterfront in crisis.

Excited to have this opportunity to engage with researchers from planning and policy theory, and bring my expertise in urban narratives, narrated experiences of the city, planning storylines, and literary urban studies to this interdisciplinary audience.

Very much looking forward to meet,  amongst others, Kristian Olesen, Kristi Grisakov, Louis Albrechts, Raine Mäntysalo.



Out Now! Special Issue on the Urban Humanities

Out now: the latest issue of the Finnish Journal of Urban Studies, themed “Urban Humanities” (2016/2). Articles ao. on narrative planning theory, linguistic urban history, literary archaeology.

Visiting editors in chief Lieven Ameel, Anja Kervanto Nevanlinna & Samu Nyström.

Below, a link to the introduction:

The issue also features my article ”Narrative Mapping and Polyphony in Urban Planning.”

From the editorial:

Towards Urban Humanities

“The last decades have seen a number of paradigm shifts – the spatial turn; the linguistic and cultural turn – that aimed at bringing human experience, the language in which it is couched, and its cultural and historical contextualisation, into disciplines that have been traditionally more preoccupied with quantitative data and methods. Some of these paradigm shifts have resulted in the appearance of well-established sub-disciplines, such as cultural or humanistic geography. As we have entered the “urban century”, following a century of continuous, dominating urban growth, has it become time for a renewed turn towards more culturally, linguistically and historically oriented research of the urban condition – time for a new kind of urban humanities? A renewed urban humanities could bring crucial and refreshing perspectives to sometimes elusiva data, as well as new ways to include and study immaterial layers of meaning in the context of conflict, inequality, and exclusion. It could enable addressing some of the most important challenges for current urban planning and policy: how to account for radically different kinds of knowledge and place-based information, from quantitative and objective data (soil, construction material) to more sociologically, historically, or culturally oriented experiential information (see Lapintie 2003; Sandercock 2010)?

A renewed urban humanities means also widening the scope of available sources and methods in a manner that is explicitly cross-disciplinary. One particularly beneficial element of urban humanities is the way in which it could address the call for more experiential knowledge: not questions of what, where, and how much, but questions of how and why. For example, how are plans for the future couched in persuasive terms, using rhetoric strategies (Ameel in this volume), how do people attach meaning to place via place-naming strategies (Ainiala et al. in this volume), why do we find certain kinds of memory activation in specific historial periods (Seppälä in this volume), and how do literary and other narratives reflect historical complexities (Finch, Kekäläinen in this volume)? Historical studies can bring much-needed temporal and analytical depth to present-day narratives of cities in conflict (see e.g. Nyström 2013). European ethnography, art history and theatre studies add further dimensions to our understanding of the complex layers of meaning inherent to the urban condition, and the extent to which cities remain always cities of words, of shared, shaped and contested memories and identities.

Highlighting these aspects of the urban condition could attune urban policymakers as well as their recipients – city’s inhabitants – to the extent to which urban policy and planning entails negotiating between often competing visions. The present volume want to present diverse and sometimes unespected kinds of data, with the explicit aim to make these available for scholars from outside the humanities.” (Ameel, Kervanto Nevanlinna & Nyström 2016: 5-6)




Expansion of the urban centre – or shopping mall as alternative to city centre?

In a recent interview, published in the Finnish weekly Image, I discuss the predominant narrative of Helsinki’s current development, which claims to focus on the expansion of the urban centre, very much within the context of a perceived “renaissance of the city”. The main point I want to make in the interview is that, contrary to this focus on a positive tale of vibrant urbanity, current developments in Kalasatama/East Harbour (as well as in Pasila), seem to take, rather, the model of the shopping mall, in a narrative of maximized consumption within private space. One (freely translated) quote: “It’s not so much about having nice storefront cafés where you can drink café latte – it’s about whether we want a city, where it is possible to meet people that think differently and that vote differently, in public space.”



Picture: Timo Villanen / Source: Image.fi

“Whose City?” / “Kaupunki- kenen ehdoilla?”

I’ll participate on Friday 9.9. in the panel discussion “Kaupunki – kenen ehdoilla” / “The City – on whose terms?”, organized by the Finnish weekly “Image”, and as part of the Helsinki design week. I’ll be joined by deputy mayor Anni Sinnemäki, Pauliina Seppälä and moderator Niklas Thesslund.

The discussion will take place at the iconic “Three smiths” statue, quite fittingly within a temporarily constructed futuristic dome, starting from 17.30.


kenen ehdoilla

Pressing issues oa: what kind of city do we want for Helsinki, and on whose terms? All relating to my current research on narrative planning.

A Bildungsroman for a Waterfront Development

Out now! My article “A Bildungsroman for a Waterfront Development. Literary genre and the planning narratives of Jätkäsaari, Helsinki”, published in the latest Journal of Urban Cultural Studies. It’s an integral part of my current research in urban planning narratives of Helsinki’s waterfront.
This article examines the narratives involved in the planning of Jätkäsaari (Helsinki), an industrial harbour environment currently being redeveloped. It starts out with an analysis of Hyvä jätkä/Good Chap (Hannu Mäkelä, 2009), a literary novel commissioned by the city to promote the area, arguing that this cultural product should not be seen merely as a piece of cultural branding. Rather, the novel’s fictional construction of the area’s past and future draws attention to the narrative characteristics of planning itself. Using the concepts of literary genre and metaphor, an examination of Jätkäsaari’s planning narratives shows the ambivalent and often contradictory planning visions of the area. This study aims at re-examining the considerable research tradition in urban and planning studies that sees urban planning as a form of storytelling, by applying concepts from literary and narrative theory to the analysis of planning narratives.

narrative planning,Bildungsroman,Helsinki,waterfront development,urban regeneration,literature

#Bookhour discussion on “Odds Against Tomorrow”

Participating August 30 in the US Studies Online twitter discussion  #Bookhour. The book this time at #Bookhour is Odds Against Tomorrow by Nathaniel Rich, and the chat session is organised by Christina Brennan. Odds Against Tomorrow is a book I’m examining in my current research on the narration of waterfronts in crisis in US and Nordic fiction.

From the #Bookhour site:

“Dr Arin Keeble, Dr Sebastian Groes and Dr Lieven Ameel will join #bookhour organiser Christina Brennan to discuss the title.

About the book 

New York City: The Near Future: Mitchell Zukor, a gifted young mathematician, is hired by a mysterious new financial consulting firm, FutureWorld. The business operates out of a cavernous office in the Empire State Building; Mitchell is employee number two. He is asked to calculate worst-case scenarios in the most intricate detail, and his schemes are sold to corporations to indemnify them against future disasters. This is the cutting edge of corporate irresponsibility, and business in booming.

As Mitchell immerses himself in the mathematics of catastrophe – ecological collapse, global war, natural disasters – he becomes obsessed by a culture’s fears.  Yet he also loses touch with his last connection to reality: Elsa Bruner, a friend with her own apocalyptic secret, who has started a commune in Maine. Then, just as Mitchell’s predictions reach a nightmarish crescendo, an actual worst-case scenario overtakes Manhattan. Mitchell realises he is uniquely prepared to profit. But at what cost?

Discussion Questions

1. Odds Against Tomorrow tells the story of an acute catastrophe. Can literature deal with the challenges of slow catastrophe, especially those related to ecological crisis?

2. What does the Psycho Canoe evoke or symbolise in Odds Against Tomorrow?

3. Which real world disasters does Hurricane Tammy in the novel most strongly evoke?

4. Why does Elsa end up as a New York lawyer?

5. How are agency and responsibility for the future framed in Odds Against Tomorrow, and what can it tell us about literature in times of crisis?”

New publication: DATUTOP 34 / Re-City. Future City – Combining disciplines

The new DATUTOP (issue 34) has been published under the title “Re-City. Future City – combining disciplines”. The Datutop series was founded in 1982 at the School of Architecture at Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland. The central themes of the Datutop publications are architectural theory and urban planning theory. The latest volume is in part based on last year’s Re-City conference. The publication is open-access:


DATUTOP 34 also features my latest article “Emplotting urban regeneration: Narrative strategies in the case of Kalasatama, Helsinki”, part of my ongoing research of narratives in urban planning. Abstract below:

Ameel, Lieven 2016: “Emplotting urban regeneration: Narrative strategies in the case of Kalasatama, Helsinki.” DATUTOP 34. Re-City. Future City – combining disciplines. 222-240. 19 pages.


Recent decades have seen an increasing interest in the narrative and rhetorical structure of urban planning. Urban districts take shape based on words as much as on concrete. Narrative elements such as rhetorical figures, storylines and plot structures are relevant not only for the way in which a particular planned area is presented to the general public or framed within local policy discourse, but also for the way in which larger visions of an urban future translate into concrete developments within the built environment.

This paper examines the planning of Kalasatama (Helsinki), an ongoing case of urban regeneration, by applying methods and concepts from narrative and literary theory to the analysis of planning documents, marketing, and media narratives. A key concern is the manner in which planning documents “emplot” a new area, both literally singling out an area within a geographical setting, and framing the development within a “plot”, a story with a specific dynamics and morality. Character, plot and metaphor will constitute the key narrative concepts. This paper draws on the burgeoning field of narrative planning theory, with the specific aim to make concepts from narrative and literary theory more compatible with existing theoretical frameworks from planning theory.

Keywords: emplotmemt, Kalasatama, narrative, urban planning