Moodle training in Viikki

Moodle Basics 22.10.2019 (in English)

At 13-15 in Infocenter Korona, room 138.
Before training please watch the video “What is Moodle”:  (2 min)

Moodle is the most commonly used web-based teaching tool at the University of Helsinki. It should be used whenever an interactive element is to be added to a course. Moodle works in both contact teaching and distance learning. 

The training will cover Moodle basics. We will learn Moodle from the beginning. However, even if you already have some experience with Moodle, this training is a great opportunity to learn more about some of the online pedagogy principles that are recommended for Moodle basic use in teaching. 

Registration in SAP Suffeli.

Arviointikirja / Moodle gradebook training 24.10.2019  (in Finnish/English) 

At 13-15 in Infocenter Korona, room 170

Koulutuksessa harjoitellaan rakentamaan Moodleen arviointikirjaan kurssin kokonaisarviointiaerityisesti painotettuja arviointikokonaisuuksia. Esimerkiksi miten arviointi rakennetaan Moodle-kurssilla, jossa tentti on 30%, essee 30% ja vertaisarviointi 40% kokonaisarvosanasta. 

 In this training, we will practice building a grade system within the Moodle gradebook to manage the course grading and easily calculate the final grades in Moodle. This is especially useful for straightforward plans for weighted grades (where for example: exam is 30%, essay 30%, peer review 40% of final grade). 

Registration in SAP Suffeli.