Environmentally sustainable business in the era of advanced technologies?

We have moved into a new geological epoch, an unprecedented era in which a certain species—Homo sapiens and in particular, certain groups of Homo sapiens, mainly concentrated in high-income countries—is changing nature more severely than natural processes are. Most of us living in high-income countries are overconsuming the Earth’s resources. As we do so, we …

Social Imaginaries in Times of Climate Change

Sustainability takes on different meanings for everyone, and the actions that we can take to leave our planet in a better state than we found it are of course socially and politically dependent. As members of the sustainability research community, we are in a privileged position to consider our work as part of global efforts to forestall climate and social justice crises. 

Human warming: acknowledging the growing emotionality of researchers towards permafrost thawing

By Lowenna Arnold, Hector Sanchez and Julia Kreß How the urgency of permafrost melting in the Arctic impacts emotional responses within research and why they should be better communicated Permafrost thawing is not only a physical threat to our environment and communities, but is also a phenomenon that releases an emotional impact. In this blogpost, …

Maailma muuttuu – miten käy lohikalojen?

Changing climate conditions and land use shape northern landscapes. Freshwater ecosystems hosting valued migrating fish are not an exception. The Atlantic salmon, brown trout, European whitefish, and Arctic char are not only threatened by in-water building and exploitation but the pressure is added from increasing temperature and nutrient influx, further altering the environment. Muuttuvat ilmasto-olosuhteet …

Voluntary climate networks – emission reductions and less risky communication

By Heidi Blom Insights into companies’ motivations to participate in voluntary climate actions Companies are rational players and adapt their strategic plans and operation models intending to benefit from them. Their climate strategies combine their for-profit strategy and ethical values. This post explains some interesting results of my master thesis, which explores what motivates or …