Introducing the Untame Podcast: Paradigm Shifters

Authors: Galina Kallio and Eeva Houtbeckers

What happens when you put sustainability researchers, activists, and thinkers into conversation with two scholars passionate about shifting paradigms, add some microphones, and press record? This is how the HELSUS-funded Untame podcast was conceived, and the result has produced inspiring, thought-provoking, in-depth discussions with activists and thinkers on the cutting-edge of change. In this blog post we will introduce the episodes from first season of the podcast, Paradigm Shifters, and give some insight into the discussions that took place. 

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Trash or food? A historical perspective on sustainability of fish as food  

Author: Matti Hannikainen

Fishing remains the most ancient method for gathering food that is still commercially important both locally and globally (Fagan 2018). Recent studies however suggest that by the 2030s, most commercial fisheries will be depleted beyond commercial use. Concerning sustainable food production, and the consumption of fish in particular, fisheries in Finland provides ­potential, which needs to be taken into account. In fact, recent discussions on food security and sustainability have highlighted the role of less valuable fish species. Yet the potential of less valuable species, such as roach (Rutilus rutilus), as a food reserve was recognised in the early 1950s as part of revising the scientific discourse on fish. Nonetheless, their history remains overlooked, which was the reason for analysing changes concerning the value and the consumption of various fish species in Finnish society during the 20th century.

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There Is More Than One Way to Discuss the Aesthetic Dimension in Sustainable Development

Author: Noora-Helena Korpelainen

Alex loves colour and taste, a holiday abroad, and sunshine with morning coffee. This Alex is you and me, a citizen of a wealthy country. It is Alex who is asked to change his/her preferences, choices, and practices for the sake of the planet and forthcoming generations – to be a hero of our time, and for a good reason: it is humans who have, with their way of living, caused global climate change and biodiversity loss to mention only two of the many grave phenomena of our time. It is also because of Alex that we eagerly develop new technology to compensate for the necessary changes to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Does unsustainability then boil down to our preferred taste of living?

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Lost Voices: How Mining in Scandinavian Arctic Regions has Impacted Sámi Livelihood

By: Avery Desrosiers, Nicole Rice, Selja Ryöppy and Hilja Kurkinen

Photo by Khusen Rustamov on Pixabay

Through the analysis of the Kiruna mine in Northern Sweden and the Nussir mine in Northern Norway, we can understand how Arctic mining affects Sámi people, an Indigenous community living in the Arctic. In addition to the negative effects on traditional livelihoods such as reindeer herding, mining also impacts Sámi culture, rights and identity as a whole, as nature is intertwined in all aspects of Sámi life. Despite the policies put in place to protect their communities and practices, the Sámi have been constantly overlooked and disregarded. This post shares examples from Scandinavia, as well as potential improvement suggestions from Canada.

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Pohjoisten metsien monikäyttö Suomessa

Kirjoittanut: Kati Kauppi ja Tuija Simpanen

From Shutterstock

Finland’s northern forest use has historically been divided and faced environmental conflicts between forestry and reindeer husbandry. Different interests for natural resource use between communities and groups can cause disagreements, but for sustaining diverse forest nature and local, valuable culture of Sámi Homeland in the future, we must reconsider our relationship with forest use. Northern forests are sensitive for changes, but also filled with opportunities. The balance between cooperation of industries that utilize forests, local culture, recreational use and vital habitats of old growth forest species should be aspired.  

Suomen pohjoisten metsien käyttö on jakautunut historiallisesti poro- ja metsätalouden kesken. Metsiämme hallinnoi Metsähallitus, joka omistaa suuren osan pohjoisista metsistä. Pohjoisen paikallisväestön ja Metsähallituksen välillä on ollut paljon ristiriitoja pohjoisten metsien käytön suhteen. Porotalouden on katsottu kärsivän metsätaloudesta, toisaalta myös metsätalous on ollut alueella suuri työllistäjä. Lisäksi pohjoiset metsäalueet ovat kiinteä osa paikallista kulttuuria.  Nykyisin pohjoiset metsät ovat paljon monipuolisemmassa käytössä ja myös osa kestävän kehityksen turvaamista. Tekstissä käsittelemme pohjoisten metsien ainutlaatuisuutta ja metsien monikäytön mahdollisuuksia alueella, jossa metsä on sekä luonnonvara että merkittävä osa kulttuuria.  

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