Voluntary climate networks – emission reductions and less risky communication

By Heidi Blom

Insights into companies’ motivations to participate in voluntary climate actions

Companies are rational players and adapt their strategic plans and operation models intending to benefit from them. Their climate strategies combine their for-profit strategy and ethical values. This post explains some interesting results of my master thesis, which explores what motivates or drives companies into implementing climate actions and participating in voluntary climate actions and projects. Traditionally, it was thought that the for-profit operations and environmentally responsible actions were contradictory inconsistent. Nowadays they are increasingly thought to be possible to combine. However, the motive for including ethical notions in the strategic plans can be self-interest and companies might try to benefit through them. It is not unambiguous to differentiate the reasons behind.

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Quarantine research diaries

As I was presenting at the DENVI Annual meeting 2020 last May (via Zoom), I spent some time talking about an issue I was facing due to the pandemic. The challenge posed by the COVID-19 travelling restrictions and social distancing practices had forced me to conduct my semi-structured interviews in Helsinki, Stockholm, and Oslo remotely. This caught the attention of HELSUS and I was asked to write about my experiences alongside my research.

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Tarjontapuolen ilmastopolitiikka

Briefly in English: Significant amounts of fossil fuels need to be left untapped to meet the climate targets set out in the Paris Agreement. Most climate policies focus on reducing demand for fossil fuels. Supplementing these policies by limiting fossil fuel supply offers a promising way to influence emissions also in countries with looser climate regulations.

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Sustainability competences and pedagogical approaches in higher education

By Rodrigo Lozano and Janna Pietikäinen

Introducing a recently published book with insights from 15 institutions worldwide

Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have been major agents of social change and important drivers of sustainability. HEIs are actively designing and refining their teaching and research, as well as their activities, strategies, and organisations along the lines of sustainability. Higher Education for Sustainable Development is aimed at addressing and incorporating the economic, environmental, social, and time dimensions, as well as their interrelations into HEIs operations, education (courses, degrees, and educating-the-educators programmes), research, collaboration, assessment, governance, and on-campus life experiences. 

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Kestävää elämäntapaa oppimassa kotitalousopetuksen keinoin

”Kauheaa, mulla on ainakin kymmenet farkut, minä en ikinä heitä näitä enää pois.”

Kestävän elämäntavan oppiminen ja siihen sitoutuminen ovat globaali haaste. Kuitenkin maapallon rajallinen kantokyky vaatii elämäntavan muutoksia ja aktiivista pyrkimistä kohti hiilivapaata yhteiskuntaa. Myös muut ympäristöön ja sosiaaliseen oikeudenmukaiseen liittyvät ongelmat haastavat länsimaista elämäntapaa. Osana kestävää elämäntapaa kestävä kulutus edellyttääkin uusien ajattelutapojen omaksumista ja käyttäytymisen muutoksen aktivointia (Langenbach et al. 2020).

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