Research [Tutkimus]

[In Finnish]

Research Interests    Heidelb aptm tutk 2014 contr

  • Social contract theories
  • Global justice, especially economic and health justice
  • Christianity and ethics
  • Theories of responsibility (e.g. responsibilities of states, corporations and churches)
  • Interreligious dialogue.


Please see my site on The University of Helsinki TUHAT Research Database and Religion and Ethics homepage (one track of the Social Ethics network) for a more complete view of my academic life.

Title of Docent and Dissertation

2010   Title of Docent (theological and social ethics), University of Helsinki

2005   Doctor of Theology (theological and social ethics), Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki (Diss. Balances of Reasonable Justice: Rawls and Beyond, 268 pp.)

Monographs and an Edited Volume

2011   Maallinen oikeudenmukaisuus. Järkiliberalismin rajat ja rosoinen lähimmäisyys [Eartlhy Justice: The Limits of Reasonable Liberalism and Robust Agapism], Helsinki: Suomalaisen teologisen kirjallisuusseuran julkaisuja (STKSJ) 270, 242 pp.

2007   Balancing Reasonable Justice: John Rawls and Crucial Steps Beyond, Aldershot, UK: Ashgate (Ashgate New Critical Thinking in Philosophy), 192 pp.

1997   Prosessia ja rautalankaa: Gradun tekijän opas [Process and Wire: A Pro Gradu Guide], ed. Ville Päivänsalo, Publications of the Department of Systematic Theology XIII, Helsinki: Luther Agricola Society (1st ed. 1997); Helsinki University Press (2nd ed. 1998).

Selected ArticlesPuistoistuja rannalla suor

2016  Talents in the Service of Justice: Responding to Unequal Ownership beyond Compliance, De Ethica 3:1, 59-74 (Open Access link here).

2015   Reframing Capabilities between Welfarism and Resourcism in the Collaboration for the Right to Health,  Studia Theologica 69:2, 190-209 (Open Access link here).

2014   Lutheran Perspectives on the Rigth to Health in a Global World, in Lutheran Identity and Political Theology. Grenholm, C-H. & Gunner, G. (toim.). Pickwick, 49-66.

2014   Fragile Health Justice: Cooperation with Faith Organizations, in Religion and Development: Nordic Perspectives on Involvement in Africa, Tomas Sundnes Drønen (ed.), New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 109-125.

2014   Poliittinen teologia [Political Theology], in Modernin teologian suuntauksia [Currents in Modern Theology], Olli-Pekka Vainio & Lauri Kemppainen (eds.), Helsinki: Kirjapaja, 181-211.

2013   Tackling Faith-Based Stigma in the Context of HIV/AIDS, in Chronicity, Care and Complexity. Richards, R. & Creek, J. (eds.). Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 133-143.

2012   Toisen periaatteen oikeuttaminen ja soveltaminen [Justifying and Applying the Second Principle]. In Jukka Mäkinen & Heikki Saxén (eds.), John Rawlsin filosofia. Oikeudenmukaisuus moniarvoisessa yhteiskunnassa [John Rawls’s Philosophy: Justice in a Pluralistic Society], Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 165-189.

2011   (with Tage Kurtén), Legitimacy, Trust and Religion in a Nordic Perspective, in Kurtén, T. & Hertzberg, L. (eds.), Legitimacy: The Treasure of Politics. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

2010   Responsibilities for Human Capabilities: Avoiding a Comprehensive Global program, Human Rights Review 11 (2010): 565–579.

2010   Purposes of Social Contracts: Hobbesian Laws, Lockean Rights, and Rawlsian Ideas, in Virpi Mäkinen (ed.), The Nature of Rights: Moral and Political Aspects of Rights in Late Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy, Helsinki: Acta Philosophica Fennica, 225–253.

2010   Poliittis-rakenteellisen reiluuden rajat ja aktiivinen kohtuullisuus [The Limits of Politico-Structual Fairness and Active Temperance], Tiedepolitiikka 35, 4/2010: 7-16.

Bild12010   John Rawls (ed. Thomas Nagel), A Brief Inquiry into the Meaning of Sin and Faith: With “On My Religion,” Harvard University Press 2009 (Book Review), Insight Turkey 12 (3/2010): 272–273.

2010   Kriittinen suvaitsevaisuus ja kontekstuaalinen liberalismi [Critical Toleration and Contextual Liberalism], in Salminen, J. (ed.), Muuttuvan maailman etiikka: STKS:n symposiumissa marraskuussa 2009 pidetyt esitelmät. Helsinki: Suomalainen teologinen kirjallisuusseura, 137-156.

2008   Responsibilities for Global Health, Public Health Ethics 1 (2008): 100–104.

2008   Rawls, Religion and a Lutheran Perspective on Earthly Governance, in Kees van Kooten Niekerk & Ulrik Nissen (eds.), Lidenskab og stringens: festskrift til Svend Andersen i anledning af 60 års fødselsdagen den 8. marts 2008. Frederiksberg: Anis, 371–382.

2007   National Justice and Global Extensions: John Rawls’s Model and an Alternative, in Stefan Heuser & Hans Ulrich, H. (eds.), Political Practices and International Order, Zurich: LIT, 194–207.

2004   Taking Viewpoints of Fairness and Care, Studia Theologica 58 (2004): 123–139.


(Photos: VP. Heidelberg, Kirkkonummi, Geneve and Helsinki [the University Liberary])