11.3.2016 Heini Ahtiainen

MSc. Heini Ahtiainen will defend the doctoral dissertation entitled “Benefits of reduced eutrophication: evidence from Finland, the Baltic Sea area and Europe for policy making” (Rehevöitymisen vähentämisen hyödyt: tutkimustuloksia Suomesta, Itämeren alueelta ja Euroopasta päätöksenteon tueksi) in the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Helsinki, on 11 March 2016 at 12:15. The public examination will take place at Sali 302, Siltavuorenpenger 3 A (Athena-talo).

Professor Bengt Kriström, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, will serve as the opponent, and Professor Markku Ollikainen as the custos.

The dissertation will be published in the series Natural resources and bioeconomy studies.

The dissertation is available in electronic form through the E-thesis service.

Väittelijän yhteystiedot:
Heini Ahtiainen
