Going public


Last week, on Tuesday the 20th of January, the Generation Green team and our idea were presented to the personnel of the Faculty of Pharmacy by our team leader Tiina. In a sense, this presentation was a small yet meaningful step of advance for GG, since it was the first time our idea was communicated to the public in real life. Previous activities had included updating news and online material, as well as being in contact with individual experts of relevant fields, but no public presentations.

Why such a fuss about publicity? Why not just concentrate on refining and actualizing the idea?

Because we require outside expertise in order to achieve the goal of being able to educate greener generations of pharmacists. Despite being professionals in our own fields, a wide range of extremely important fields of science remains uncovered by our skills and knowledge. Of course we have contacted, and will contact, various experts of those fields in person, but publicity makes it possible for other experts (that we’re maybe not aware of) to contact us as well. The idea of GG is completely non-commercial, and consequently, we have no worries of exposing business secrets, patent plans etc.

In addition, the efficient development of teaching essentially requires the involvement of the teaching personnel. Through active communication of our activities, we keep our colleagues up to date about the situation, and perhaps encourage them to share their ideas. The last thing we want to do is to just go to people with our plan and ask them to do as planned. As experts of their fields of teaching, they are in the best position to plan the development of teaching.

In the couple of days to come, even more publicity is to be expected: the number of people in the PitchNight will hopefully be at least an order of magnitude greater than last week. The PitchNight spans on two days, be sure to remember that our turn is on Thursday the 29th of January! If you haven’t yet registered, it can be done via the following link: https://alumniverkosto.helsinki.fi/Portal/Public/Event/Apply.aspx?EventID=474

See you in the PitchNight on Thursday!
