Post-graduate studies in social psychology

Overview of post-graduate studies in the Faculty of Social Sciences

Doctoral studies (minimum of 60 credits) consist of the following parts in Social Psychology:
• 1) Seminars (12 ECTS)
• 2) Research Ethics, Philosophy of Science (3 – 6 ECTS)
• 3) Other general scientific skills and knowledge (5 – 15 ECTS)
• 4) Specialized training in the topic of the doctoral thesis (10 – 25 ECTS)
• 5) Training in university pedagogy or leadership (5 – 20 ECTS)

Those who have a Master’s degree with a major other than Social Psychology
read the following books in the beginning of their doctoral studies:
1. Hewstone & Stroebe: Social psychology, an introduction (3 rd. ed.)
2. Augoustinos, Walker & Donaghue: Social cognition: An integrated introduction
(2nd ed.)In addition, they take Master level courses and literature for 20 – 30 credits (to be agreed with the advisor).

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