Trends and Challenges in the Cognitive Science of Religion

In collaboration with the CoE on Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions (led by Martti Nissinen), the REECR project organizes a workshop on “Trends and Challenges in the Cognitive Science of Religion” in Helsinki, 3–4 March, 2015. The keynote speakers are Armin W. Geertz (Aarhus) and István Czachesz (Heidelberg). Other speakers include Martti Nissinen, Aku Visala, Ilkka Pyysiäinen, Elisa Järnefelt, Jani Närhi and Outi Pohjanheimo

Cognitive Science of Religion (CSR) emerged in the 1990s to explain regularities of religious phenomena across time and place by using the growing body of knowledge from cognitive and evolutionary sciences. Today CSR is a pluralistic and interdisciplinary field that focuses on the intuitive mental mechanisms underpinning religious beliefs and behaviors as well as on the interaction of the human mind, social cognition, and cultural environment. CSR applies a wide variety of different theoretical perspectives, for example, from experimental psychology, neurosciences, biology and research on emotions.

The meeting will provide an opportunity to discuss recent developments and challenges in CSR. Responses will be given by scholars from different fields (philosophy of science, biblical studies, religious studies).

For the full program and further information, click here.