Maintenance break on 10th of June from 3pm to 5pm

The blog service goes through an update of WordPress and its plugins in the beginning of week 24.

We are not expecting a total halt of the service for two hours, but users might encounter shorter breaks and slowness of the service during this period.
We also advice on not updating your blogs during this time.

Sorry for the inconvenience and have a great summer.

Summer break on support 19.6.-1.8.2023

From 19th of June to 1st of August there is no support available for the blogs. This also means that group blogs ordered in that period are delivered after the break

Have a nice summer!

Quick maintenance break on 31st of August from 3 pm to 5 pm

We’re installing some urgent security fixes to the later today. The installation will require several reboots, meaning that there will be short service breaks between 3 and 5 pm. Please, refrain from updating your blog during that period.

We apologise for the inconvenience!

Site requests paused between 8th of July and 15th of August

Hi everybody! admins are taking their well deserved holiday break from 8th of July until 15 of August, which means that there will be no-one to process new group requests or provide any kind of end-user support during that period. Sincerest apologies for the inconvenience.

Here’s hoping you still have a wonderful summer!

Maintenance break on the 21st of June between 3:30 PM and 4:30 PM + summer break is almost here

Hi everybody!

It’s time again to install the latest WordPress update on + update all the plugins. We’re not expecting any big changes, but the installation itself will cause several short service breaks between 3:30 and 4:30 PM.

We apologise for the inconvenience!

Also, the summer break is almost here, which means we’ll probably halt both, the creation of new group blogs and most of the blog support from July the 8th until 15th of August. Now would be a great time to submit your blog/support requests for the summer!

Maintenance break on 9th of March from 9 AM to 11 AM

Hi everybody!

Time to install the latest WordPress updates on  The update concerns mostly the WordPress block editor (which isn’t supported by themes anyway) so it won’t change anything to most of you. We’ll do some improvements to application/server logging while we’re at it.

The update + logging changes will require several reboots, meaning that there will be short service breaks. Please, refrain from updating your blog on next Wednesday (9th of March) between 9 and 11 AM.

We apologise for the inconvenience!

Site requests paused from 17th to 27th of December

…but you’ll be able to get one before New Year.

Christmas is almost upon us and Santa is going to be incredibly busy next week! This means he won’t be around to create new group blogs between 17th and 27th of December even if you’ve been extra nice.  Unsurprisingly, it’s a slacking off season for elves too, so we’re begging for patience from all you potential Christmas bloggers out there.

Site requests will resume on Tuesday the 28th of December, so there’s a very good chance you’ll be still able to get one this year!

Best wishes for the Holidays!