HEAT2025 Call for papers

HEAT 2025 Goes to Space: Exploring the Theological Implications of Life Beyond Earth

We are pleased to announce a call for papers for an upcoming Helsinki Analytic Theology Workshop focused on the intersection of theology, cosmology, and astrobiology. This workshop aims to bring together scholars from diverse disciplines to critically examine and discuss the theological implications of the potential discovery of extraterrestrial life.

Conference Theme: The discovery of life beyond Earth has profound implications for various fields, including theology. Christian theology, rooted in the understanding of humanity’s special place in the cosmos, faces new questions and challenges in light of the possibility of encountering life forms beyond our planet. This workshop seeks to explore how Christian theology, or some other theologies, might respond to the discovery of extraterrestrial life, considering theological, ethical, and philosophical dimensions.

Topics of Interest Include, but are not Limited to:

  1. Biblical and theological perspectives on the existence of extraterrestrial life
  2. Ethical considerations in Christian engagement with potential extraterrestrial civilizations
  3. Christology and the implications for understanding redemption in a cosmic context
  4. Eschatological reflections on the cosmic scope of God’s plan for creation
  5. Metaphysical issues and alternative conceptions of God
  6. Ecclesiological implications of encountering extraterrestrial intelligence
  7. Comparative religious perspectives on extraterrestrial life and theology
  8. Historical theological reflections on past encounters with the unknown
  9. Theological responses to different Fermi paradox scenarios

 Submission Guidelines: We invite scholars to submit abstracts for paper presentations. Abstracts should be no more than 700 words and should clearly outline the proposed paper’s topic, objectives, methodology, and significance to the conference theme. Submissions must be in English and sent as a PDF attachment to olli-pekka.vainio@helsinki.fi by August 30, 2024. The submission must also include the institutional affiliation and career status of the scholar (graduate student, postdoc, non-tenured/adjunct faculty, tenured faculty).

 Papers should be constructive and argumentative rather than merely historical or descriptive in nature. However, we value constructive and critical engagement with both traditional texts and contemporary scientific and philosophical claims.

Important Dates:

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: Sept 27, 2024
  • Notification of Acceptance: Oct 11, 2024
  • Conference Dates: April 9-11, 2025. The workshop begins on Wednesday around 5pm and will close on Friday around 5pm after which there will be an informal social evening.

 Conference Format: We expect people to attend in-person. If you cannot be in Helsinki, this does not mean automatic rejection, but you should mention this in your submission.

The aim of the workshop is to provide a fruitful conversation that helps people to improve their work-in-progress. The submitted papers are not read but they are given to the participants beforehand. The presenters have 5 minutes to summarize their argument and the rest of the time is reserved for the conversation.

Registration: Registration for the conference will open later this Fall. Details regarding accommodation options, and conference venue will be provided in due course. The attendance to the workshop is free and open to all.

Sponsor: HEAT 2025 is sponsored by the Finnish Cultural Foundation.

Contact Information: For inquiries regarding abstract submission, conference logistics, or any other questions, please contact Prof. Olli-Pekka Vainio at olli-pekka.vainio@helsinki.fi.