SBL 2018


Jewish, Christian, and Graeco-Roman Travel in the Hellenistic, Roman, and Early Byzantine Periods (300 BCE–600 CE)
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM
Room: Mile High Ballroom 3B (Lower Level) – Convention Center (CC)Theme: Themes in the Study of Travel

Elisa Uusimäki, Helsingin Yliopisto – Helsingfors Universitet, Presiding
Pieter B. Hartog, Protestantse Theologische Universiteit
Travel Writing in the Early Roman Empire: Themes and Prospects (25 min)
Discussion (10 min)
Catherine Hezser, University of London and University of Oslo
Recent Research on Travel, Network Theory, and Identity in Jewish, Christian, and Graeco-Roman Society (300 BCE – 600 CE) (25 min)
Discussion (10 min)
Dennis Mizzi, University of Malta
People on the Move, Places in Motion: An Archaeological Perspective on Travel in the Ancient Mediterranean (25 min)
Discussion (10 min)


Jewish, Christian, and Graeco-Roman Travel in the Hellenistic, Roman, and Early Byzantine Periods (300 BCE–600 CE)
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
Room: 612 (Street Level) – Convention Center (CC)Theme: Book Panel: Maren Niehoff (ed.), Journeys in the Roman East
A review panel on Maren Niehoff (ed.), Journeys in the Roman East: Real and Imagined (Mohr Siebeck, 2017).

Pieter B. Hartog, Protestantse Theologische Universiteit, Presiding (5 min)
Timothy Luckritz Marquis, Moravian College & Theological Seminary, Panelist (10 min)
Lautaro Lanzillotta, Panelist (10 min)
Blake Leyerle, University of Notre Dame, Panelist (10 min)
Krista Dalton, Kenyon College, Panelist (10 min)
Maren Niehoff, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Respondent (15 min)
Discussion (30 min)