Juraj Šimko

My name is Juraj, and I am a University Lecturer in Phonetics at the University of Helsinki. Originally from Slovakia, I studied Mathematics in my home country, worked in the IT industry, and eventually completed a Ph.D. in Cognitive Science at the University College Dublin.

I am passionate about speech, both in daily life (well, I do speak quite a lot) and as a research subject. In my scientific career, I have explored many aspects of speech communication: minute details of articulation, phonological quantity in several Finnic languages, speaking in a noisy environment, speech prosody, speech technology, and some more. One of my primary interests in recent years has been figuring out how speech technology can be used as a tool for looking at theoretical investigation in language typology, in particular for less researched, endangered languages.

This project was born from many conversations over the years among three phoneticians, good friends with shared passions and complementary skills. Let’s keep following its progress!


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