Selected publications

Post Genomics

Tupasela, A. and Snell, K. (2013) National interests and international collaboration: Tensions and ambiguity among Finns towards usages of tissue samples. New Genetics and Society 31: 4, 424-441.

Gaskell, G., Gottweis, H., Starkbaum, J., Greber, H., Broerse, J., Gottweis, U.,  Hobbs, A. Helén, I.,  Pashou, M. Snell, K. & Soulier, A. (2013) Publics and biobanks: Pan-European diversity and the challenge of responsible innovation. European Journal of Human Genetics 21:1, 14-20; AOP doi: 10.1038/ejgh.2012.104

Helén, I. & Snell, K. (2012) Private life in bits and pieces. Digital and molecular personhood in the information age. In Margherita Carucci (ed) Revealing privacy. Berlin: Peter Lang, pp. 133-150.

Snell, K., Starckbaum, J., Lauss, G., Vermeer, A & Helén, I. (2012) From protection of privacy to control of data streams: A focus group study on biobanks in the information Society. Public Health Genomics 15:5, 293-302.

Snell, K. & Tupasela, A. (2012: Mitä mieltä suomalaiset ovat biopankeista? Duodecim 128: 16, 1685-1690.

Tupasela, A. (2012) Biopankkilaki ei ratkaise vanhoja ongelmia. Suomen lääkärilehti 67:18,  1399-1400.

Tupasela, A. (2012) Governing Hereditary Disease in the Age of Autonomy. In Vermeulen, N., Tamminen, S. and Webster, A., (eds.) Bio-objects: Life in the 21st Century. Surrey: Ashgate.

 Lauss, G., Snell, K., Bialobrzeski. A., Weigel, J. & Helén, I. (2011) Embracing complexity and uncertainty: An analysis of three orders of ELSA research on biobanks. Genomics, Society and Policy 7:1, 47-64.

Tupasela, A. (2011) From gift to waste: Changing policies in biobanking practices. Science and Public Policy 38:7, 510-520.

Tupasela, A., Sihvo S., Snell, K., Jallinoja, P., Aro, A.R., and Hemminki, E. (2010) Attitudes towards the biomedical use of tissue sample collections, consent and biobanks among Finns. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 38, 46-52.

Reproductive and regenerative medicine

Meskus, M. (2012) Personalized ethics: The emergence and ethics in prenatal testing. BioSocieties 7:4, 373-392.

Meskus, M. (2009) Governing risk through informed choice: Prenatal testing in welfarist maternity care. In Bauer, S. & Wahlberg, A. (eds) Contested Categories. Life Sciences in Society. Farnham & Burlington: Ashgate, pp. 49-68.

Neurosciences and mental health

Helén, I. (2011) Is depression a brain disorder? Neuroscience in mental health care. In Ira van Keulen & Martyn Pickersgill (eds) Sociological reflections on neuroscience. Advances in Medical Sociology 13. Bingley: Emerald, 123-152.

Helén, I. (2011) The depression paradigm and beyond. The practical ontology of mood disorders. Science Studies 24:1, 81-112.

Hautamäki, L., Helén.I  & Kanula, S. (2011) Mielenterveyden hoidon lääkkeellistyminen Suomessa. In Ilpo Helén (ed) Reformin pirstaleet. Mielenterveyspolitiikka hyvinvointivaltion jälkeen. Tampere: Vastapaino, pp. 70-110.


Tamminen, S. & Vermeulen, N. (2012) Bio-objects and generative relations. Croatian Medical Journal 53,198–200.

Tamminen, S. (2012) Still life? Frozen Gametes, National Gene Banks and Re-configuration of Animality. In Vermeulen, N., Tamminen, S. & A. Webster (eds) Bio-Objects. Life in the 21st Century. Surrey: Ashgate, pp. 203-218

Vermeulen, N., Tamminen, S. & A. Webster, (eds) (2012) Bio-Objects. Life in the 21st Century. Surrey: Ashgate

Tamminen, S., Raita, E., Lehtinen, V., Silfverberg, S., Ravaja, N. (2012) Teknologian sosiaalipsykologinen tutkimus. Psykologia 47, 410-422.

Tamminen, S. (2012) Tieteentutkimuksesta yhteiskunnan uudenlaiseen kokoonpanoon : Latourilainen kosmopolitiikka ja yhdessä elämisen vaikeus. tiede & edistys 37:2, 117-141.

Tamminen, S. & Brown, N. (2011) Nativitas : Capitalising Genetic Nationhood. New Genetics and Society 30, 73-99.