Ecological data, reserve selection algorithms and conservation reality: ECCB 2012 day 3

The third morning started with a plenary talk by Hugh Possingham (University of  Queensland; The Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions). On top of a wealth of interesting reserve design applications with various considerations, there were two things that stuck: a new measure of protected area coverage and his reflection of the role of conservation science in conservation reality. Continue reading

Distribution atlases, protected area effectiveness and institutional shifts: ECCB 2012 day 1

A group of people from our journal club attended the European Congress for Conservation Biology in Glasgow, Scotland (28.8.-1.9.2012). In practice, this means four days of intense conservation science, inspiring discussions and severe embarrassment of riches when it comes to choosing which session to go to. Luckily, I took some notes for memory, inspiration and, sometimes, finding links to what we do. (Disclaimer: this is neither a comprehensive summary of all of it, nor a synthesis.)

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