Rockström et al. 2009. A safe operating space for humanity. Nature 46:472-475.

On Friday, 2 October we read the feature article ”A safe operating space for humanity” by Johan Rickström et al. (2009, Nature 46: 472–475). The paper outlines different biophysical processes that human action have affected and seeks to define thresholds – planetary boundaries – that we shouldn’t cross in order to keep the Earth habitable for our societies. The authors argue that three of nine of these thresholds have already been crossed: 1) the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide causing climate change, 2) the extinction rate of species and 3) the amount of nitrogen extracted from the atmosphere for human use, affecting nitrogen cycle in the nature have been increasing at a dangerous rate in the recent past. In addition, the authors suggest indicative thresholds for altering phosphorus cycle, stratospheric ozone depletion, ocean acidification, global freshwater use and change in land use. Atmospheric aerosol loading and chemical pollution are also among the processes that are likely to have thresholds, but these the authors did not define.

“Safe levels” of greenhouse gas concentrations is a well established concept – certain concentration leads to certain warming, and from the desired concentration, one can calculate how much greenhouse emissions we “can afford”, still avoiding the most catastrophic consequences of climate change. This can be divided further between nations and emission reduction targets relevant for policy-making. Here, the authors attempt to extend similar way of thinking to other environmental problems.

Defining these thresholds an ambitious exercise, as the processes are interlinked in many ways, and the ultimate limiting factors might be hard to track down. As the discussion continues, the relative importance of the different sectors could be accounted for, and the links between them could be highlighted more. The threshold parameters used here are sometimes confusing: instead of using extinction rate as a threshold parameter for biodiversity loss, one could consider e.g. the rate of habitat loss and degradation as that type of target would be easier to convert into political measures.

We were wondering about the values of some thresholds. For example, the global freshwater use is far from its safe boundary according to the paper, and yet the lack of drinking water is something you hear about quite often. Maybe it is because the consumption and supply of freshwater varies very much at an areal scale. One could consider dividing the global targets into more local ones in cases where the resource or threshold indicator varies spatially.

The nonlinear nature of biophysical responses is often hard to grasp. Being aware of it is crucial for sound policies. The paper by Rockström et al. is a good opening for discussion about these issues. In the run-up to Copenhagen climate summit, it is also a good reminder of other environmental problems aside global warming – these ought to be taken into account when planning for climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Link to the paper:

Johan Rockström, Will Steffen, Kevin Noone, Åsa Persson, F. Stuart Chapin, III, Eric F. Lambin, Timothy M. Lenton, Marten Scheffer, Carl Folke, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Björn Nykvist, Cynthia A. de Wit, Terry Hughes, Sander van der Leeuw, Henning Rodhe, Sverker Sörlin, Peter K. Snyder, Robert Costanza, Uno Svedin, Malin Falkenmark, Louise Karlberg, Robert W. Corell, Victoria J. Fabry, James Hansen, Brian Walker, Diana Liverman, Katherine Richardson, Paul Crutzen & Jonathan A. Foley

Lewis et al. 2009: Increasing carbon storage in intact African tropical forests Phillips et al. 2009: Drought sensitivity of the Amazon Rainforest

Two articles full of numbers. More or less we got a feeling that these were more result establishments than articles of new foundings. Anyway – numbers differed a bit, but because some of the authors and references were same we assumed that we could just trust the correctness of them and enjoy the ride.

The meaning of the articles was to show us in numbers how important, big and good the tropical forests are as storages when it is a case of atmospheric carbon dioxide and how the amount of stored carbon is increasing. If the warming climate dries the tropical forests as it has been anticipated, it can have an enormous impact on climate change through carbon losses and changed surface energy balances.

In the Amazon Article the scientists study rainforest’s response to very intense drought during year 2005 and based on that they made suggestions about future scenes. It’s well known that Amazon is one of the most important factors in the global carbon cycle. In the article about Africa they report data from 79 permanent sample plots spanning 40 years. Their study testifies the known facts from Amazonia and carbon fluxes to apply as well in Africa.

At least for me it was good brain exercise to follow such amounts as Petagrams of carbon. Results indicate a carbon sink of 1,3 Pg C per year meaning all tropical forests during recent decades. As an comparison I checked Finland’s Co2 emissions per year: 2006 64,1 milj tons = 0,0641 Pg (and if I count the zeros wrong, please, correct me…).

The articles evoked discussion about how do we define a forest among other things.

Please do write your own feelings and ideas. I’m quite frozen.

Kuussaari et al. 2009: Extinction debt: a challenge for biodiversity conservation

This paper sets out to review what the term “extinction debt” means, what kind of support do the exisitng empirical studies provide for the term, and what are the main drivers that give rise to extinction debt. While extinction debt clearly has broad implications for conservation, authors emphasize how hard it is to detect extinction debt in natural communities and call for more studies to improve our understanding of the phenomenon.

The authors (quite a group of them!) have managed to pull together a good compilation of studies looking into potential cases of extinction debt (Table 1 in the article). However, the article does not offer any particularly new insights to the matter of extinction debt. Novelty factor is not necessarily an issue for a review article, but good organization and coherence are and these were partly missing from the article. The text is very heterogeneous both in language used and content, which might be a result from a large number of authors. For example, authors give out examples from the literature, but do not compare the studies at all or discuss the potential implications very widely. Why did some studies find evidence for exitinction debt while others did not? Is it because the community studies has no extinction debt to pay or because the methodology used could not detect it? Authors underline the importance of being able to quantify extinction debt in order to “counteract future biodiversity loss by targeted habitat restoration and conservation actions”, but give only vague instructions on how conservation actions should be directed in the face of extinction debt. Should the conservation priority be set on species with long or short delay before looming extinction?

This review provides a good overview on the experimental studies looking into extinction debt in natural populations. Unfortunately, the final synthesis does not deliver as much as it potentially could. The text is somewhat inconsistent and a lot of implicit conclusions are left for the reader to make. The article concludes in demanding a lot more experiments, monitoring and general awarness on extinction debt, but gives very few actual recommendations for real-life conservation actions.

Final conlusion: good source for references, but the actual review-part leaves something to be desired.

Link to the paper:

Kuussaari, M., Bommarco, R., Heikkinen, R.K., Helm, A., Krauss, J., Lindborg, R., Öckinger, E., Pärtel, M., Pino, J., Rodà, F., Stefanescu, C., Teder, T., Zobel, M., Steffan-Dewenter, I., 2009. Extinction debt: a challenge for biodiversity conservation. Trends. Ecol. Evol. In Press, Corrected Proof.